Online Learning Statistics

More than 1 in 4 college students take classes completely online. Find statistics and student poll results about online learning in our report.
portrait of Lyss Welding
Lyss Welding
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Higher Education Research Analyst

Lyss Welding is a higher education analyst and senior editor for BestColleges who specializes in translating massive data sets and finding statistics that matter to students. Lyss has worked in academic research, curriculum design, and program evalua...
Updated on July 11, 2024
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portrait of Jordan Stewart-Rozema, Ph.D.
Jordan Stewart-Rozema, Ph.D.
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Editor & Writer

Jordan Stewart-Rozema writes data-driven education content focusing on higher education trends, student finances, and alternative education pathways such as coding bootcamps. She previously worked to promote online learning and media literacy educati...
Fact-checked by Marley Rose
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Data Summary

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    In 2022, 10.1 million college students (54%) took at least one class online.Note Reference [1]
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    That's a slight decrease from 2021, when 11.2 million college students (60%) took at least one class online.Note Reference [1]
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    About 4.9 million students (26%) take college classes exclusively online.Note Reference [1]
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    4.5% of postsecondary institutions offer courses primarily online.Note Reference [2]
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    1.1 million students (6.1%) attend these fully online colleges.Note Reference [2]
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    The average net cost of online college is about $570 per credit hour.Note Reference [3]
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    96% of online program alums recommended online learning.Note Reference [4]
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    47% of school administrators said their schools planned to increase spending on online learning programs.Note Reference [4]

When the COVID-19 pandemic struck, remote learning in higher education peaked. Since then, campuses have re-opened, and fewer students are participating in online classes. But, distance learning and fully online degree programs remain popular options.

This report dives into the statistics around online learning. It covers fully online colleges and distance learning options for on-campus programs. Plus, survey data reveals what college students really think about online education.

Online Education Enrollment Statistics

In fall 2022, 54% of college students took at least one course online.Note Reference [1]

  • About one quarter (26%) of students took classes exclusively online.
  • Another 28% had some but not all of their classes online.
  • 46% of students did not take any online courses.

Online classes were slightly more popular, at two-year colleges, and at public institutions.Note Reference [1]

  • 53% of students at four-year schools and 58% of students at two-year schools took at least one course online.
  • 55% of public college students and 51% of private college students took at least one course online.
  • Roughly the same percentage of undergraduate students (54.4%) and graduate students (53.5%) took at least one course online.
  • Graduate students were more likely than undergraduates to take classes exclusively online (39% versus 24%).

Over the past twenty years, it has become increasingly common for students to take at least some of their courses online. In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic caused this trend to accelerate.

The trend has tapered somewhat in the years following the onset of the pandemic. However, online learning is still more popular than it was before 2020.

Online learning may be here to stay. BestColleges' 2024 Online Education Trends Report found that 47% of administrators planned on increasing their spending on online learning programs. Half (50%) said their spending wouldn't change from last year. Just 3% expected their budgets for online program development to decrease.

Enrollment in Online Courses by State

Below, find the percentage of students who take college courses online by students' state of residence.

Percentage of Students Enrolled in Online College Courses, 2022

Sort Results by:
Percentage of Students Enrolled in Online College Courses, 2022
State Enrolled exclusively Enrolled in some Not enrolled in any
Alabama 28% 29% 43%
Alaska 41% 31% 28%
Arizona 51% 20% 29%
Arkansas 26% 28% 46%
California 27% 29% 44%
Colorado 27% 20% 53%
Connecticut 19% 24% 57%
Delaware 30% 33% 37%
District of Columbia 23% 18% 59%
Florida 30% 31% 39%
Georgia 26% 29% 45%
Hawaii 32% 24% 44%
Idaho 30% 30% 40%
Illinois 24% 28% 49%
Indiana 25% 22% 53%
Iowa 18% 30% 52%
Kansas 21% 27% 52%
Kentucky 29% 30% 42%
Louisiana 22% 29% 49%
Maine 32% 22% 46%
Maryland 32% 24% 44%
Massachusetts 17% 17% 66%
Michigan 19% 32% 50%
Minnesota 38% 23% 39%
Mississippi 21% 35% 44%
Missouri 21% 28% 51%
Montana 14% 22% 64%
Nebraska 29% 28% 43%
Nevada 19% 34% 47%
New Hampshire 76% 5% 19%
New Jersey 14% 28% 57%
New Mexico 31% 33% 37%
New York 15% 26% 59%
North Carolina 29% 31% 41%
North Dakota 24% 32% 44%
Ohio 24% 32% 44%
Oklahoma 24% 30% 46%
Oregon 23% 28% 49%
Pennsylvania 16% 24% 60%
Rhode Island 11% 20% 70%
South Carolina 21% 35% 44%
South Dakota 28% 25% 47%
Tennessee 18% 30% 53%
Texas 22% 33% 45%
Utah 47% 20% 33%
Vermont 22% 16% 62%
Virginia 32% 27% 42%
Washington 21% 23% 56%
West Virginia 50% 23% 28%
Wisconsin 15% 28% 57%
Wyoming 18% 35% 47%
Source: NCESNote Reference [6]

Online Colleges Statistics

In 2021, there were 175 online colleges — i.e., postsecondary institutions where at least 90% of the student body was enrolled exclusively in online courses. These colleges represent 4.5% of all postsecondary institutions.Note Reference [2]

Online colleges enrolled 1.1 million students (6.1% of all college students) in 2021.Note Reference [2]

About half of students at fully online colleges are white and nearly one quarter are Black. For reference, Black students make up about 12% of the student population of all colleges. Fifteen percent of students at online college are Hispanic or Latino/a.

Enrollment at Fully Online Colleges by Race/Ethnicity
Race/Ethnicity Primarily Online Colleges All Colleges Offering Any Online Courses
White 53% 51%
Black 23% 12%
Hispanic/Latino/a 15% 20%
Asian 4% 7%
Two or More Races 4% 4%
Non-U.S. Resident 1% 5%
American Indian/Alaska Native 1% 1%
Pacific Islander 1% <1%
Source: NCESNote Reference [2]

In 2023, BestColleges surveyed 1,800 prospective online students, current online students, remote learners, and online program graduates. We found:Note Reference [4]

  • 68% of current online students held full-time or part-time employment.
  • 95% had children under 18 living in their household.

Is Online College Cheaper? Average Tuition and Fees

Online College Tuition

Just 38 distance-learning-only institutions in the NCES College Navigator database reported their 2021-2022 net price for full-time, first-year undergraduate students.Note Reference [3]

  • The average net price of these online colleges is about $17,140 a year.
  • Public online colleges cost about $12,980 a year, on average.
  • Private nonprofit online colleges cost about $15,940 a year, on average.
  • Private for-profit online colleges cost $19,290 a year, on average.

The average net price per credit hour for online colleges was about $570.Note Reference [3] However, the least expensive online colleges can cost less than $200 a credit hour.

Online Learning vs. In-Person Program Costs

Nonprofit Quality Matters and Eduventures Research surveyed chief online officers at more than 420 schools about how their online learning tuition compared to equivalent on-campus offerings at their institutions.Note Reference [7]

  • 14% said online programs were priced lower or generally lower compared to in-person programs.
  • 14% said online programs were priced higher or generally higher than in-person ones.
  • 64% said online and in-person programs were priced the same or generally the same.

Remote Learning Fees

Remote learners — students enrolled in on-campus programs who attend class online — may be exempt from some campus-related fees. However, they can accrue other fees for technology use that add to the true cost of online college.

In a 2016 survey of nearly 200 colleges:Note Reference [8]

  • 75% of colleges charged in-person and remote students the same tuition.
  • Just 27% of colleges charged in-person and remote students the same total price, which includes fees.
  • 54% of colleges charged remote learners more in total price.

Survey Data: What Students Say About Online Learning

Many online students surveyed in our 2023 Online Education Trends report shared positive experiences with online learning:Note Reference [4]

  • 96% of online college graduates would recommend online learning.
  • 93% of graduates said their online degree will result in a positive return on investment.
  • Three-quarters of students (75%) said online education was better than or equal to in-person learning — a five percentage point increase from last year.

But online program alums also encountered challenges. Their top challenges were:

  • Paying for school while minimizing student debt (26%)
  • Encountering unexpected circumstances or personal life events (20%)
  • Staying on track with classes in order to graduate in the planned time frame (15%)

Additionally, 30% of online program graduates said they wish they would have done more research about cost and financial aid.Note Reference [4]


  1. Table 311.15. Number and percentage of students enrolled in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by distance education participation, location of student, level of enrollment, and control and level of institution: Fall 2021 and fall 2022. National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). December 2023. (back to footnote 1 in content ⤶)
  2. Table 311.33. Selected statistics for degree-granting postsecondary institutions that primarily offer online programs, by control of institution and selected characteristics: Fall 2021 and 2020-21. NCES. May 2023. (back to footnote 2 in content ⤶)
  3. NCES' College Navigator database. Calculation assumes 30 credit hours per academic year. (back to footnote 3 in content ⤶)
  4. 2024 Online Education Trends Report (PDF). BestColleges. June 2024. (back to footnote 4 in content ⤶)
  5. Table 311.22 Number and percentage of undergraduate students enrolled in distance education or online classes and degree programs, by selected characteristics: Selected years, 2003-04 through 2015-16. NCES. May 2018. (back to footnote 5 in content ⤶)
  6. Trend Generator. What is the percent of students enrolled in distance education courses in postsecondary institutions in the fall. NCES. Fall 2022 provisional data. (back to footnote 6 in content ⤶)
  7. Garrett, R., & Legon, R., Simunich, B., & Fredericksen, E. E. CHLOE 6: Online Learning Leaders Adapt for a Post Pandemic World. June 2021. (back to footnote 7 in content ⤶)
  8. Poulin, R. & Straut, T., WCET Distance Education Price and Cost Report (PDF). February 2017. (back to footnote 8 in content ⤶)