Top 10 Resources for Free ACT Prep
- The ACT assesses four major content areas: math, science, English, and reading.
- There are several quality free ACT prep resources available online.
- You can access free ACT practice tests as well as answer guides.
Every year, students who are interested in applying to college register to take the ACT. The ACT is a college entrance exam that tests content knowledge in math, science, English, and reading (with an optional writing portion).
Preparing for the ACT can seem overwhelming, and the potential costs of preparing for and taking the test can add up. Luckily, there are several resources you can use for effective and free ACT prep.
Users who sign up with receive access to a free ACT study guide, a full-length practice test with all four sections and a writing prompt, and helpful test-taking strategies. The site partners with Kaplan to provide free online ACT prep events.
After taking the exam, you’ll receive a full score report that shows which questions you missed. also sends you free resources geared to help you improve your areas of need based on your most missed questions. You can retake the practice ACT as often as you want.
2. The Princeton Review
The Princeton Review has several free ACT online prep options, including a full-length practice test and free online courses on testing strategies. After completing the free online practice ACT test, you’ll receive an in-depth score report that identifies your biggest strengths and weaknesses.
You can also take advantage of the ACT prep free trial for 14 days. This self-paced program teaches test-taking strategies with video lessons and provides opportunities to practice through drills.
3. Kaplan
Kaplan has multiple free ACT prep options available, including ACT classes, events, and a practice test. Although Kaplan’s free online ACT practice test is a half-length version, the test uses official ACT questions from all four sections of the ACT.
For those looking for ACT practice options they can easily fit into their day, Kaplan offers short ACT pop quizzes that use real ACT questions and provide answer explanations. You can also sign up to receive a daily email with an ACT question of the day.
4. Magoosh
Magoosh houses a variety of free ACT prep materials for those preparing to take the exam. Through its blog, the test prep company provides detailed tips to effectively study for the ACT, as well as multiple options for creating study schedules.
Users can find free ACT practice questions with videos explaining the correct answers. Magoosh also provides PDFs for seven free full-length ACT practice tests and answer keys with detailed explanations.
5. Khan Academy
Although Khan Academy does not maintain any official ACT test prep materials as it does for the SAT, it does host free lessons on a wide array of subjects. Likewise, many of the test prep resources available on Khan contain universal testing strategies you can apply to the ACT.
If you’ve already taken an ACT practice test and identified areas of need, Khan can provide extra resources for strengthening subject areas like reading, writing, and math. For instance, you can find several resources on reading strategies that are applicable to the ACT English section.
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6. Varsity Tutors
Along with hundreds of free practice tests broken up by subject area, Varsity Tutors offers free ACT diagnostic exams. These tests can help you figure out where you need to focus so you can create an effective study plan that addresses your specific needs.
You can also take a free ACT prep course that includes six live sessions, allowing you to ask questions in real time. Finally, there’s the ACT English Flashcards app, which helps you squeeze in short bursts of studying right from your phone or tablet.
7. Veritas Prep
Veritas Prep delivers a diverse array of free ACT prep materials. You can access a variety of general test prep resources, including an ACT registration checklist and an ACT scoring scale, as well as content-based test prep.
Along with free test prep and practice materials in math, science, and English, Veritas maintains specific resources and tips like how to approach vocabulary. The company hosts free ACT classes and has over three hours of on-demand video lessons.
8. The Critical Reader
Need extra resources for the ACT reading passages? Founded by test prep expert Erica Meltzer, The Critical Reader is an online catalog of ACT reading materials that mimic the exam’s reading passages. Meltzer has also written “The Complete Guide to ACT Reading” and has plans to update the popular guide regarding upcoming changes to the ACT Reading section.
In addition to reading material, this site provides helpful reading strategies, free ACT questions of the day (including previously archived questions), and free ACT quizzes.
9. Erik the Red
If you need more math-related practice, Erik the Red has extensive resources for conquering the ACT Math section. There are plenty of math quizzes to choose from, and practice problems are organized according to the skills and strategies you’ll need to answer them.
The site also provides several free ACT Math guides. These short PDFs provide information and math formulas you’ll need to solve the types of problems you’ll encounter on the ACT.
10. Union Test Prep
Union Test Prep provides free, comprehensive ACT prep materials. The website breaks down the ACT, including how the exam is scored and what to expect on test day. You can also take free practice ACT tests.
Additionally, the company offers a thorough ACT study guide and ACT flashcards, both of which are available to download.
Feature Image: Chainarong Prasertthai / iStock / Getty Images Plus / Getty Images
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