Coding Bootcamp at Harvard Extension School

The Coding Boot Camp at Harvard Extension School provided by Trilogy Education Services offers two programs: one program covers data analytics and the other covers full-stack web development. Trilogy Education describes itself as a workforce accelerator that has partnered with dozens of colleges and universities to provide tech bootcamps.

Both bootcamp tracks at Harvard equip students with the fundamental skills needed for success in the tech industry, giving participants exposure to relevant languages, tools, and techniques, such as JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Tableau, and machine learning. Each program follows a part-time schedule that students complete over the course of six months.

Students in Harvard’s bootcamps receive career support to help them find a job after completing their program, and the bootcamp curriculum is designed to meet Boston-specific technology needs. Learners who complete a bootcamp do not earn a degree or certificate credit from Harvard Extension School, but they do receive a certificate of completion.

Harvard Bootcamp Courses

The Harvard Extension School offers bootcamps in two tracks: coding and data analytics. Participants receive support from instructors, a tutor network, and career coaches.

  • Cost: $12,995
  • Learning Format: Online
  • Time Commitment: Part Time
  • Length: 24 weeks

Data analytics and visualization coursework covers Python, fundamental statistics, machine learning, SQL, and more. Students complete projects to build their professional portfolio, focusing on real data and issues in areas like business and healthcare. Employment-planning assistance from a dedicated profile coach and career director helps prepare students for their job hunt.

  • Cost: $12,995
  • Learning Format: Online
  • Time Commitment: Part Time
  • Length: 24 weeks

Coding bootcamp students learn full-stack web development, covering topics like JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, React, Node, and jQuery. Learners also explore database theory and use MySQL and MongoDB. Online “Tech Talks” bring together students and local tech pros to discuss trends and industry insights. The program also includes career-planning assistance, with resume and social media profile-building, one-on-one career coaching, and soft skills training.


Harvard Bootcamp Admissions Process

The web development bootcamp does not require any previous coding experience, though it may be helpful. Students receive access to pre-course tutorials they can take to build foundational knowledge before beginning the bootcamp.

Likewise, the data analytics and visualization bootcamp requires no previous experience in coding or data analytics. However, the program recommends that applicants have a bachelor’s degree or at least two years of experience in business, finance, management, or statistics.

Both programs are designed for working professionals who want to improve their skill set or change careers entirely.

Harvard Bootcamp Payment Options

Students attending one of the two Harvard Extension School coding bootcamps can pay tuition upfront or apply for a payment plan. The total upfront cost of each bootcamp program is $12,995. Scholarships may also be available to students who qualify.

Harvard Bootcamp Student Outcomes

The Harvard Extension School partners with Trilogy Education Services to provide these bootcamps. Neither Harvard Extension School nor Trilogy Education publishes student outcomes for these programs on their websites. Student outcomes frequently reported by bootcamp providers include graduation rates, post-bootcamp employment rates, and starting salary levels.

However, Trilogy Education does share that more than 3,000 companies around the world employ its program graduates. Grads have gone on to work for high-profile companies like Google, Apple, Verizon, IBM, and Oracle.

Additionally, Trilogy Education surveys students every week to review student progress and receive feedback on program elements, such as pace. These surveys help inform future program design.

Frequently Asked Questions About Harvard Coding Bootcamps

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    Disciplines Offered

    Data Analytics, Web Development
  • Payment Options

    Installments, Scholarships, Upfront