Best Online Organizational Leadership Programs
Learn about online bachelor’s in organizational leadership programs and discover potential careers for graduates like management analyst and sales manager.
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A bachelor’s in organizational leadership prepares students for lucrative management-level careers helping organizations operate more successfully. Prospective students can look for stand-alone organizational leadership bachelor’s programs or pursue a business degree with a concentration in organizational leadership.
Program length varies, but a typical organizational leadership bachelor’s degree takes four years to complete. However, online students in accelerated programs can graduate faster. Some of the best online colleges offer bachelor’s in organizational leadership degrees.
Program cost varies depending on many factors, including the type of school (public or private) and a student’s residency status (in state or out of state). Tuition for an online bachelor’s in organizational leadership ranges widely, but often costs $200-$500 per credit.
As of April 2024, PayScale reported that the average annual salary for professionals with a BS in organizational leadership was about $73,000. Potential earnings vary by position, level of experience, industry, and location.
Below, learn what to expect from an online bachelor’s in organizational leadership program, including typical classes, admission criteria, and how to find the right program.
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Learn about start dates, transferring credits, availability of financial aid, and more by contacting the universities below.
Best Online Bachelor’s in Organizational Leadership Programs
How We Rank Schools
To create this ranking, BestColleges sourced the most recent data available from the National Center for Education Statistics and the U.S. Department of Education College Scorecard. We then ranked each school according to the top variables college students selected in our College Choice and Admissions Survey. To learn more, check out our full rankings methodology or read the summary below.
To qualify for our rankings lists, each school must be an accredited public or private, nonprofit institution. Each eligible school was then ranked based on a formula measuring:
- Affordability (30%)
- Student outcomes (30%)
- Reputation (20%)
- Diversity and social mobility (20%)
In addition, we only included colleges with graduation rates in the top third of all online colleges.
Southeastern University
Lakeland, FL4 yearCampus + Online
Lakeland, FL4 yearCampus + Online
University of La Verne
La Verne, CA4 yearCampus + Online
La Verne, CA4 yearCampus + Online
Union University
Jackson, TN4 yearCampus + Online
Jackson, TN4 yearCampus + Online
University of Charleston
Charleston, WV4 yearCampus + Online
Charleston, WV4 yearCampus + Online
Arizona State University-Skysong
Scottsdale, AZ4 yearCampus + Online
Scottsdale, AZ4 yearCampus + Online
Missouri Baptist University
Saint Louis, MO4 yearCampus + Online
Saint Louis, MO4 yearCampus + Online
University of Iowa
Iowa City, IA4 yearCampus + Online
Iowa City, IA4 yearCampus + Online
Bay Path University
Longmeadow, MA4 yearCampus + Online
Longmeadow, MA4 yearCampus + Online
Saint Francis University
Loretto, PA4 yearCampus + Online
Loretto, PA4 yearCampus + Online
Saint Louis University
Saint Louis, MO4 yearCampus + Online
Saint Louis, MO4 yearCampus + Online
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What Can I Expect From an Online Organizational Leadership Degree?
Colleges offer in-person and online bachelor’s in organizational leadership programs. Learners may find pros and cons to both learning formats, and the right choice varies by individual. Distance education programs can provide greater flexibility and convenience and may allow students to work full time while earning their degree.
Organizational leadership professionals need strong communication, problem-solving, management, and strategic leadership skills. Excellent general business knowledge, interpersonal skills, and creativity can also lead to success.
A typical bachelor’s in organizational leadership requires about 120 credits and takes around four years of full-time study to complete. Students may graduate more quickly from some accelerated online bachelor’s programs, especially if they can transfer in previously earned college credits.
Most bachelor’s in organizational leadership programs require general education, major, and elective credits. Typical core classes include organizational development and change, communication strategies for leaders, assessment in organizations, and social conflict and negotiation. Students may also need to complete a capstone, practicum, and/or internship.
Organizational leadership programs sometimes offer specializations that let students zoom in on a more narrow area of the field. Potential concentrations include human resources management, finance, and project management.
What Courses Will I Take in an Organizational Leadership Program?
Organization Development and Change
This core course helps students develop foundational knowledge related to designing, implementing, and analyzing interventions for developing organizations. Participants learn strategies for leading change in nonprofit and for-profit groups.
Communication Strategies for Leaders
Future leaders learn to use practical communication strategies in the workplace. The course covers tools and methods for solving communication problems.
Social Conflict and Negotiation
This core class examines the theories and practices of social conflict and negotiation in organizations. Learners find ways to minimize conflict and encourage productive interactions in the workplace.
Organizational Leadership Capstone
Taken in the final semester, this capstone course synthesizes the most important knowledge and skills covered in the program. Students apply classroom learning to real-world problems in organizational leadership.
Assessment in Organizations
Learners explore how to effectively use assessments in organizations. They learn to use tools to collect data and solve problems.
What Are Admission Requirements for an Online Bachelor’s in Organizational Leadership Program?
Admission requirements for an online bachelor’s in organizational leadership program vary by school. However, colleges often ask for a completed application, test scores, and letters of recommendation. Other common requests include an application essay and official transcripts. Some online programs may also ask for a writing sample or resume.
Colleges require program applicants to complete an undergraduate application as part of the admissions process. Keep in mind that hundreds of public and private universities accept applications through Common App or the Coalition Application. Using either of these portals, students can apply to multiple colleges by filling out one general application.
Test Scores
Many four-year universities require ACT or SAT test scores. Schools use college entrance exams to try and assess applicants’ academic skills. Some universities require minimum test scores to qualify for admission, while others use a more holistic approach and consider exam results with other application materials.
Letters of Recommendation
Universities may require 1-3 letters of recommendation. These documents should speak to the applicant’s college readiness. High school students typically get their letters from school counselors or teachers.
Be sure to ask for letters of recommendation far ahead of deadlines, and give your letter-writers all of the information they need to write an excellent recommendation.
Some colleges require application essays, which allow applicants to demonstrate their writing, analytical, and critical thinking skills. These essays give admissions counselors the chance to get to know prospective students better and understand what makes them unique. A typical application essay asks the writer to answer a question in just a few hundred words.
Official Transcripts
Most universities require official transcripts from high school and/or all previously attended postsecondary schools. This may be especially important for applicants transferring from community college who want credit for previous college work. Most bachelor’s in organizational leadership programs accept some transfer credit earned at regionally accredited institutions.
What Can I Do With an Online Bachelor’s in Organizational Leadership Degree?
Organizational leadership is a subdiscipline of business — the most popular college major. A bachelor’s in organizational leadership can prepare students for high-paying management careers in various growing fields. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the median annual salary for management occupations was $116,880 as of May 2023.
The BLS projects a faster than average job growth rate for management occupations between 2023 and 2033. The agency attributes this growth to the creation of new organizations and the growth of existing ones.
Because it is a versatile business degree, nearly any type of organization can benefit from hiring skilled organizational leadership professionals. Potential fields for graduates who earn an online bachelor’s in organizational leadership include general business, human resources management, sales, and industrial production.
Career Paths
Training and Development Managers
Training and development managers oversee training and development programs for employees at an organization. Typical job tasks include developing budgets, managing staff, creating programs, and assessing the effectiveness of training and development programs. Training and development managers work with instructional designers, instructors, and program developers.
Median Annual Salary (May 2023): $125,040
Management Analysts
Management analysts, sometimes called management consultants, assess organizations and find ways to improve their profitability and efficiency. They need at least a bachelor’s degree, but some employers prefer applicants with an MBA. Earning a certified management consultant credential from the Institute of Management Consultants can also expand career opportunities.
Median Annual Salary (May 2023): $99,410
Sales Managers
Sales managers oversee sales activities and teams. Common job tasks include creating budgets, investigating sales statistics, developing training workshops for sales staff, and projecting sales. Sales managers usually need 1-5 years of sales experience and a bachelor’s degree. Strong communication, leadership, customer service, and analytical skills can also contribute to success.
Median Annual Salary (May 2023): $135,160
Human Resources Managers
Human resources managers work in every industry, overseeing the administrative activities of their organizations. They plan and coordinate employee benefit programs, advise managers on human resources issues, and mediate employee disputes. Human resources managers also take charge of the recruitment, interviewing, and hiring process for their organizations.
Median Annual Salary (May 2023): $136,350
Industrial Production Managers
Industrial production managers oversee daily activities at manufacturing plants. They hire and train employees, solve production problems, improve production processes, and ensure that workers follow safety rules.
Some companies may prefer industrial production managers with a graduate degree in business or industrial production. Earning a professional certification from the Association for Supply Chain Management can improve career prospects in this role.
Median Annual Salary (May 2023): $116,970
Organizational Leadership Not for You? Check Out These Related Careers.
Continuing Education
Organizational leadership professionals can expand their salary and career opportunities by continuing their education beyond a bachelor’s degree. The versatility of this degree makes it suitable preparation for graduate programs in business, management, and related disciplines.
Some bachelor’s degree-holders go on to pursue an advanced degree or certificate in organizational leadership. Others opt to earn an MBA or focus on another subdiscipline of business. The specific type of higher education a student should consider pursuing varies depending on their career goals and work experience.
Organizational leadership professionals can also continue learning about the field by earning professional certifications that demonstrate skills and knowledge to prospective employers.
How Do I Choose an Organizational Leadership Degree?
The program cost for a bachelor’s in organizational leadership varies. Factors that can impact price include program format (online or on campus), school type (public or private), and a student’s residency status (in state or out of state). Attending an online program at a public institution where you can pay in-state tuition is often the most affordable option.
Program Format
Consider the pros and cons of different types of bachelor’s in organizational leadership programs. Some schools offer traditional four-year degrees, while others provide accelerated programs. Students can also choose a part-time or full-time program. Schools with online bachelor’s in organizational leadership programs may have synchronous or asynchronous options, each of which have their own benefits.
Do you want to go to school online or on campus? Even students who choose an online bachelor’s in organizational leadership program should think about school location. For example, some online programs still require some on-campus meetings. Distance learners who live near campus can also access in-person support services like career resources, the library, and tutoring.
Any bachelor’s in organizational leadership program you consider should be at a regionally accredited college. To receive accreditation, schools undergo a rigorous third-party evaluation to verify that they meet certain academic standards. Attending a regionally accredited institution can make it easier to get financial aid, transfer credit to another college, and qualify for graduate school.
Student Support
Student services include a variety of resources and support to help learners succeed. Look for career services, advising or mentorship programs, and tutoring centers. Some schools offer internship programs that give learners career preparation and the chance to make professional connections. Distance learners make sure their target school offers online student services.
Frequently Asked Questions About Bachelor’s in Organizational Leadership Programs
Is a bachelor’s in organizational leadership worth it?
A bachelor’s in organizational leadership can help graduates qualify for lucrative careers in management. However, it requires time, money, and hard work. Determine the projected return on investment (ROI) of your bachelor’s in organizational leadership by comparing your expected salary after graduation with the cost of earning your degree.
To calculate the true cost of an online degree, consider tuition, living and travel expenses, and the price of books and supplies. Attending a less expensive college and taking a higher-paying job after graduation improves your ROI.
Earning a bachelor’s in organizational leadership also offers less tangible benefits like access to networking opportunities and career services. Each person needs to decide for themselves if earning a degree is worth it to them.
What can I do with a bachelor’s in organizational leadership?
Potential occupations for graduates who earn a bachelor’s in organizational leadership include human resources manager, training and development manager, management analyst, and sales manager. Other possibilities include industrial production manager, project manager, marketing manager, and nonprofit administrator.
The examples above are just a sampling of potential jobs, and not all organizational leadership graduates will qualify for all of these positions. Other factors that may impact what you can do with your bachelor’s degree include your level of experience, industry, specialization, and location.
An undergraduate program in organizational leadership also prepares students to earn a graduate degree in business or a related field.
Are organizational leadership majors in demand?
The BLS projects much faster than average growth for management jobs between 2023 and 2033. This would represent the creation of more than 1.2 million new jobs.
Some management careers are projected to grow faster or slower than others. For example, the BLS projects 29% growth for medical and health services managers but just 3% growth for industrial production managers.
How much money can I make with a bachelor’s in organizational leadership?
Graduates with a bachelor’s in organizational leadership can earn excellent salaries. However, typical wages vary significantly due to factors like a worker’s occupation, industry, level of experience, and location.
PayScale reports that people with an organizational leadership BS made an average annual salary of $73,000, as of April 2024. Graduates who gain some work experience may qualify for management jobs across many industries. According to the BLS, these workers earned a median annual salary of $116,880, as of May 2023.
What are the highest-paying jobs I can get with a bachelor’s in organizational leadership?
Earning a bachelor’s in organizational leadership can help students qualify for jobs that earn significantly more than the median annual salary in the U.S. In fact, the BLS reports that management positions make the highest wages of any major occupational group.
Some of the highest-paying jobs for workers with a bachelor’s in organizational leadership degree include sales manager (median salary of $135,160), human resources manager ($136,350), and training and development managers ($125,040).
Other top-earning careers open to graduates with this degree include top executive ($103,840), industrial production manager ($116,970), and medical and health services manager ($110,680).
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