How To Overcome Impostor Syndrome as a First-gen Student, According To These Hispanic and Latina Graduates
18-year-old Gloria Ancheta showed up to her first day at Baylor University with a few possessions stuffed into a couple of bags she could carry by herself. As she swung open the door to her new dorm room, she saw her roommate had already moved in.
“This girl had everything: a fancy Mac, a mini fridge, themed decorations,” said Ancheta. “I was like: I do not belong here.”
Ancheta grew up the daughter of El Salvadoran immigrants. In elementary school, teachers quickly realized she was very bright. They wanted to put her in gifted and talented classes.
“Even then, I didn’t feel like I deserved any kind of recognition. I told them no,” said Ancheta. “My parents didn’t have papers yet. My family had this protective mindset: ‘You’re different. People will treat you differently; they will say things to you.’ So I felt like my teachers were probably wrong about me and I should just keep my head down.”
It was a mindset that would stick with her. Ancheta disenrolled from Baylor within a week of arriving. She went home to work two jobs to help support her family. Eventually, she enrolled in a nursing program at a nearby university, but couldn’t maintain passing grades while working full-time and living alone. She dropped out, again.
“It’s a lot to handle when you don’t have anyone in your life who can tell you how to succeed in an unfamiliar world. I felt like there were so many things I didn’t know.”
Now at 35, Ancheta is going back to school with some help from her employer to complete a BA in business management. “I’ve been really successful at my job. I do a lot of training, coaching, development, and marketing. But I feel like I can’t go any further without a degree,” Ancheta said. “So that’s a goal of mine, to finally get that piece of paper.”
She wants to raise her own young daughters with a different mindset than the one she grew up with. “I want them to feel like the world is theirs for the taking. I don’t want them to be afraid, to feel like they don’t belong. I want them to go for it.”
Impostor Syndrome
When Ancehta stood in that dorm room overwhelmed with insecurity, she was experiencing something called impostor syndrome.
Impostor syndrome, first described by researchers in the 1970s, is the awful, quiet fear that you’re actually a fraud: that your success is an accident, that everyone else knows more than you do, and that you don’t deserve to be where you are.
While anyone can experience impostor syndrome, research has shown that family, heritage, gender, culture, socioeconomic status, age, and race can all play a role.
For many first-generation students who have worked hard to get to college, impostor syndrome can be a huge obstacle to staying in school and thriving.
- First-generation students are majority people of color: 41% are Black and 61% are Latino.
- Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC) experience higher rates of impostor syndrome in academic institutions, where they are largely underrepresented.
- Impostor feelings are associated with less engagement, lower attendance, thoughts of dropping out, and lower grades.
- More than a quarter of first-generation students leave college within the first year. Nearly 90% leave after six years without ever obtaining a degree.
Five tips for overcoming impostor syndrome in college as a first generation student
We get it; those stats are pretty discouraging. But you’re not a statistic. So we spoke with other first-gen students, a career coach, and a university counselor about what you can do to combat impostor syndrome in college and embrace the success you definitely deserve.
Recognize the Problem
Kaitlyn Fikaris was the first woman in her family to graduate high school, and the first person to attend college. She failed her freshman year. “I was broke, I was overwhelmed, I struggled with motivation,” she said. “Once my GPA was below a 2.0, it just confirmed my feeling that I didn’t belong there.”
It took a while to put a name to her experience. “When I realized I was suffering from impostor syndrome, it was like a light went on in my head,” Fikaris said.
She would go on to write her senior thesis about the unique challenges faced by first-generation college students, including impostor syndrome. “This should really be a much bigger conversation.”
Cassandra Salgado, director of the Northwestern Academy, works directly with first-gen students in Chicago. She agrees that identifying impostor syndrome is the first step to overcoming it.
“But recognizing impostor syndrome can be really hard! One trick I recommend is paying close attention to your confusion cues and the thoughts that follow.”
Say you get a bad grade on an assignment, but you’re confused about the professor’s feedback. If your next thought is: “I shouldn’t be here; I don’t even understand this feedback,” then you’re dealing with impostor syndrome.
“Remind yourself that everyone feels this way sometimes, and there are practical things you can do about it,” said Salgado.
Be Deliberate
Salgado gives very specific advice, in the case of the confusing feedback: Write down exactly what you’re confused about. Make an appointment with your professor or TA. Ask questions until you get clarity. “A lot of students are afraid to look stupid. But professors are there to answer your questions; they want to.”
Salgado always tells her first-gen students that asking good questions and communicating with professors are technical skills that can be learned.
“No one exits the womb knowing how to navigate academic spaces,” she said. “Some people will pick a lot of that up unconsciously along the way, because there are folks in their lives who have done it before. Others have to be more deliberate about learning.”
She encourages students to see what they don’t know as an advantage. “You are in a unique position to do some very precise skills development. Pay attention to tactics you can use to get what you need in this new environment,” advised Salgado. “Practice them; master them: you’ll start to realize that you belong just as much as anyone else.”
Lay Down the Burden of Opportunity
One struggle that no one really talks about is the way first-gen students are torn between wanting to succeed and a fear of success.
“On the one hand, you have a lot of guilt: I have it all, compared to my family. I should just be grateful. I owe them success,” said Fikaris.
But Fikaris found it difficult to balance the burden of opportunity with the realization that success meant leaving her family behind.
“I felt very much that ‘this isn’t what my family does’ — you know? Like my self-growth would be a kind of betrayal of the people I love and our shared identity.”
Salgado points out that this combination of pressure and fear contributes to impostor syndrome. Consciously set them both aside, she said.
“Remember that family relationships change over time. That will happen whether you stay in school or not. Instead ask: Why are you going to college? What is the value of this experience to you? If you can answer that, you’ll be more motivated to keep going.”
Talk About It
It’s also important to understand that impostor syndrome thrives in isolation.
“The hardest part was that I had no one to talk to, at first. My mom would call to see how I was doing and I would just lie. I felt like I couldn’t complain,” said Fikaris. She found a therapist to help her cope.
Not everyone has access to a therapist, noted Jessica Johnson, a long-time social worker who became a life coach to college students this year. But it’s crucial to find someone to talk to — even better if they are a first-gen student themselves.
“It’s so powerful to realize you aren’t the only one,” said Johnson.
And these days, it’s easier than ever to find like-minded communities. Johnson recommends the facebook group Empowering First-Generation College Students for connecting with people of all ages who can offer support, solidarity, and advice.
Link Up to Resources
Your university also provides a wealth of resources you should take advantage of.
“A lot of first-generation students don’t realize that their tuition money is what pays for all the ‘free’ resources on campuses, like counselors, writing centers, and student organizations,” said Johnson.
“The fact is, you’re about to spend at least four years at an institution created to build you up and prepare you for the future that you want. Make the most of the tools available to you! You may never have easy access to so many amazing resources focused on your personal development again.”
Some resources to look for
- Many schools host workshops specifically for first-gen students.
- Many institutions have identity-led clubs, coalitions, and resources centers just for BIPOC and first-gen students.
- Counselling and mental health services are often available to help you adjust.
- Student employment offices can help you find work that fits your new schedule.
Featured Image Credit: Fat Camera / Getty Images
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