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Brandy Gleason, MSN, MHA

Contributing Reviewer/Writer
Contributors/Brandy Gleason, MSN, MHA


  • Registered nursing
  • Nursing leadership
  • Nurse education


  • MSN, Grand Canyon University
  • MHA, Grand Canyon University
  • BSN, Biola University


  • Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing
  • American College of Healthcare Executives

Brandy Gleason has nearly 20 years of nursing experience in bedside, supervisory, managerial, and senior leadership positions. She currently teaches in a prelicensure nursing program and coaches master’s students through their final projects.

Her passion and research centers on coaching nurses and nursing students to build resilience and avoid burnout. Brandy is an avid change agent when it comes to creating environments that contribute to the well-being of students and healthcare professionals.

Brandy is a paid member of the Red Ventures Education Integrity Network.

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