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Jesus Cisneros

Jesús Cisneros, Ph.D.

Contributing Writer
Contributors/Jesús Cisneros, Ph.D.


  • Ph.D. Educational Policy and Evaluation, Arizona State University
  • MS Higher Education Administration, Texas A&M University
  • BS Journalism and Mass Communications, New Mexico State University


  • Higher education
  • Ethnic studies
  • LGBTQ+ studies

Jesús Cisneros, Ph.D., is an associate professor at the University of Texas at El Paso. He has published over 30 peer-reviewed academic articles in the fields of higher education, ethnic studies, and LGBTQ+ studies. His research moves gender, sexuality, and immigration status, and their conceptual margins, to the center of analysis in an effort to explore and understand the way politics and identity interact with various axes of inequality.

He earned a bachelor’s degree in journalism and mass communications from New Mexico State University; a master’s degree in higher education administration from Texas A&M University; and a doctoral degree in educational policy and evaluation from Arizona State University.