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Nashaly Miranda Sánchez

Student Voices Contributor
Contributors/Nashaly Miranda Sánchez


  • BS Animal Science, University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez

Nashaly Miranda Sánchez is currently pursuing her doctorate at Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine. She graduated in 2020 with a bachelor’s degree in animal science from the University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez (UPRM). Her passion for animal welfare has driven her to volunteer at massive spay clinics and create a community project called Project P.A.W.S., through which stray animals are rescued, rehabilitated, and adopted into loving homes.

In 2019, she was part of the Pre-Veterinary Club council at UPRM and helped instruct undergraduates interested in applying for veterinary schools that hold accreditation from the American Veterinary Medical Association.

In addition, Nashaly educates the community about public health and the importance of preventing zoonotic diseases. Her biggest areas of passion in veterinary medicine include small and exotic animals, with a special interest in rabbits. She aspires to open the first 24/7 veterinary hospital on the west side of Puerto Rico and provide affordable care to animals in need.