Online Doctorate in Reading and Literacy Programs
We ranked the best doctorate in reading and literacy online programs to help you make an informed and smart choice. Evaluate your options in this helpful guide.
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An online doctorate in reading and literacy can equip you with knowledge about the acquisition of literacy and reading skills. Some graduates conduct research or work in postsecondary education to train future educators. Other individuals pursue careers in instructional design, administration, or curriculum development.
Most doctoral programs in reading and literacy require you to complete 40-80 credit hours. And you typically spend the first 2-3 years taking core and elective classes, after which you write and defend a dissertation on an original research topic.
And whether you want to become a teacher, administrator, or instructional designer, an online doctorate in reading and literacy can help you get there.
Featured Online Doctorate in Reading & Literacy Programs
Learn about start dates, transferring credits, availability of financial aid, and more by contacting the universities below.
Best Accredited Online Doctorate in Reading and Literacy Programs
How We Rank Schools
To create this ranking, BestColleges sourced the most recent data available from the National Center for Education Statistics and the U.S. Department of Education College Scorecard. We then ranked each school according to the top variables college students selected in our College Choice and Admissions Survey. To learn more, check out our full rankings methodology or read the summary below.
To qualify for our rankings lists, each school must be an accredited public or private, nonprofit institution. Each eligible school was then ranked based on a formula measuring:
- Affordability (30%)
- Student outcomes (30%)
- Reputation (20%)
- Diversity and social mobility (20%)
In addition, we only included colleges with graduation rates in the top third of all online colleges.
Appalachian State University
Boone, NC4 yearCampus + Online
Appalachian — located in Boone, North Carolina — serves more than 19,000 students. The university offers a comprehensive array of certificates and degrees, including online options like a doctorate in educational leadership. Learners may complete this degree fully online or take evening classes on campus once a week.
The program's required coursework covers topics like organizational and systems theory, qualitative research methods, and program evaluation and policy analysis. The curriculum offers six concentrations, including literacies in exceptionalities, which focuses on advanced reading instruction and assessment.
Applicants must have a minimum 3.0 GPA and strong GRE scores. Prospective students also need to submit four references and a five-page statement of purpose.
Boone, NC4 yearCampus + Online
Appalachian — located in Boone, North Carolina — serves more than 19,000 students. The university offers a comprehensive array of certificates and degrees, including online options like a doctorate in educational leadership. Learners may complete this degree fully online or take evening classes on campus once a week.
The program's required coursework covers topics like organizational and systems theory, qualitative research methods, and program evaluation and policy analysis. The curriculum offers six concentrations, including literacies in exceptionalities, which focuses on advanced reading instruction and assessment.
Applicants must have a minimum 3.0 GPA and strong GRE scores. Prospective students also need to submit four references and a five-page statement of purpose.
Concordia University-Chicago
River Forest, IL4 yearCampus + Online
CUC delivers over 50 online programs, including online Ed.D and Ph.D. in leadership tracks with a reading, language, and literacy specialization. Participants develop the practical and theoretical framework needed to work as researchers in literacy instruction and assessment.
Students pursuing their doctorate in reading and literacy complete 61-67 credits of courses, including core classes like development and evaluation of literacy programs; new literacies and multiliteracies in education; and literacy supervision, leadership, and coaching. Students gain hands-on skills by completing two consecutive semesters of internships. Learners round out the program with a dissertation defense and a comprehensive exam.
Applicants need a regionally accredited master's degree earned with a minimum 3.0 GPA. They must also submit adequate GRE scores and have at least two years of lead teaching experience.
River Forest, IL4 yearCampus + Online
CUC delivers over 50 online programs, including online Ed.D and Ph.D. in leadership tracks with a reading, language, and literacy specialization. Participants develop the practical and theoretical framework needed to work as researchers in literacy instruction and assessment.
Students pursuing their doctorate in reading and literacy complete 61-67 credits of courses, including core classes like development and evaluation of literacy programs; new literacies and multiliteracies in education; and literacy supervision, leadership, and coaching. Students gain hands-on skills by completing two consecutive semesters of internships. Learners round out the program with a dissertation defense and a comprehensive exam.
Applicants need a regionally accredited master's degree earned with a minimum 3.0 GPA. They must also submit adequate GRE scores and have at least two years of lead teaching experience.
Indiana University-Bloomington
Bloomington, IN4 yearCampus + Online
IU powers distance education with the Canvas platform, providing over 140 online programs, including a fully online doctoral degree in literacy, culture, and language education. After completing this 60-credit program, graduates are prepared to work as instructional materials writers, literacy program directors, and curriculum consultants.
Students take core classes like educational technology and inclusive instruction practices. Learners gain advanced research skills, which they strengthen during an internship. Participants also complete six credits of electives and dissertation work.
To enroll in this online doctoral program, prospective learners need a master's degree earned with a minimum 2.7 GPA. Admission requirements include GRE scores, a personal statement, and two recommendation letters.
Bloomington, IN4 yearCampus + Online
IU powers distance education with the Canvas platform, providing over 140 online programs, including a fully online doctoral degree in literacy, culture, and language education. After completing this 60-credit program, graduates are prepared to work as instructional materials writers, literacy program directors, and curriculum consultants.
Students take core classes like educational technology and inclusive instruction practices. Learners gain advanced research skills, which they strengthen during an internship. Participants also complete six credits of electives and dissertation work.
To enroll in this online doctoral program, prospective learners need a master's degree earned with a minimum 2.7 GPA. Admission requirements include GRE scores, a personal statement, and two recommendation letters.
SUNY at Albany
Albany, NY4 yearCampus + Online
UAlbany serves about 18,000 students, many of whom enroll online through asynchronous courses powered by Blackboard. The university offers an online Ph.D. in literacy that prepares graduates for leadership positions in colleges and universities, state education departments, and policy centers. Learners choose from a fully online delivery method or a hybrid format that includes some evening courses on campus.
Program coursework covers topics like literacy as social practice, research tools and methodologies, and literacy learning and development across the lifespan. Students gain hands-on experience by completing a practicum or a teaching assistantship. Learners personalize their curriculum through 27 elective credits.
The program offers a fall entry date. Applicants must submit GRE scores, three recommendation letters, and an academic writing sample.
Albany, NY4 yearCampus + Online
UAlbany serves about 18,000 students, many of whom enroll online through asynchronous courses powered by Blackboard. The university offers an online Ph.D. in literacy that prepares graduates for leadership positions in colleges and universities, state education departments, and policy centers. Learners choose from a fully online delivery method or a hybrid format that includes some evening courses on campus.
Program coursework covers topics like literacy as social practice, research tools and methodologies, and literacy learning and development across the lifespan. Students gain hands-on experience by completing a practicum or a teaching assistantship. Learners personalize their curriculum through 27 elective credits.
The program offers a fall entry date. Applicants must submit GRE scores, three recommendation letters, and an academic writing sample.
St. John's University-New York
Queens, NY4 yearCampus + Online
St. John's delivers online learning through Blackboard. The university's distance programs include an online doctor of philosophy in literacy. This program's 42-credit curriculum focuses on diverse and at-risk learners, preparing graduates to advocate for equity and social justice in their roles as teacher educators, school literacy specialists, and curriculum/staff developers.
To earn this online doctorate, students take seven consecutive semesters of coursework followed by dissertation work. The curriculum covers topics like educational research and data analysis, literacy leadership, and models and processes for reading and writing acquisition.
Program applicants need a master's degree earned with a minimum 3.2 GPA. They must submit GRE or MAT scores, two recommendation letters, a resume or CV, and a goals statement. Prospective students should also have full-time teaching experience.
Queens, NY4 yearCampus + Online
St. John's delivers online learning through Blackboard. The university's distance programs include an online doctor of philosophy in literacy. This program's 42-credit curriculum focuses on diverse and at-risk learners, preparing graduates to advocate for equity and social justice in their roles as teacher educators, school literacy specialists, and curriculum/staff developers.
To earn this online doctorate, students take seven consecutive semesters of coursework followed by dissertation work. The curriculum covers topics like educational research and data analysis, literacy leadership, and models and processes for reading and writing acquisition.
Program applicants need a master's degree earned with a minimum 3.2 GPA. They must submit GRE or MAT scores, two recommendation letters, a resume or CV, and a goals statement. Prospective students should also have full-time teaching experience.
What Can I Expect From an Online Doctorate in Reading and Literacy?
Do you see literacy as a social justice issue? Or do you want to help others learn to read? Then, you might find an online doctorate in reading and literacy attractive.
A traditional or online doctorate in reading and literacy takes 2-6 years to complete, depending on your schedule and program’s graduation requirements. You’ll take around 40-80 credit hours of core and elective courses, including credits toward completing your dissertation. If you want to graduate more quickly, then you might consider online programs that offer self-paced or asynchronous courses.
In addition to core classes, most doctoral programs offer electives that can count toward a concentration, such as adult education or early childhood and elementary literacy. Other specializations include teaching English as a second language (ESL), pedagogy and curriculum, or literacy.
Depending on your career goals, you may also be able to pursue a specific degree track. For example, those interested in teaching might choose to pursue a doctor of education (Ed.D.). A doctor of philosophy (Ph.D.) might suit people who want to work in postsecondary education or conduct research in reading and literacy.
What Can I Do With an Online Doctorate in Reading and Literacy Degree?
Career Outlook
Positions for professionals with doctorates in reading and literacy will likely remain in demand in the near future. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reports that jobs for social and community service managers and instructional coordinators will grow 9% and 2%, respectively, between 2022 and 2032. These figures either match or exceed the average projected growth rate across all occupations during the same period.
An online doctorate in reading and literacy can qualify you for postsecondary education, curriculum development, adult literacy, and nonprofit work. You might also assist adults learning English as a second language. Also, a doctorate can expand access to managerial and leadership opportunities.
See what you can do with a doctorate in reading and literacy. Learn more about careers in education.
Career Paths
Postsecondary Teachers
Professionals in higher education teach and often research reading and literacy. Postsecondary educators work in public or private schools, teaching classes and conducting laboratory or field research. They also might supervise students’ independent projects or offer academic advising. Many professors also serve on committees, recruit new students, and help plan curricula.
Median Annual Salary (May 2023): $79,879
Social and Community Service Managers
These professionals oversee and plan programs that deliver public services. Specifically, these managers supervise personnel, ensure program objectives meet stakeholder expectations, and recommend and implement organizational improvements. These individuals also spend significant portions of their time fundraising and increasing community awareness of their organizations’ services.
Median Annual Salary (May 2023): $77,030
Educational Specialists
Educational specialists focus on improving the way students learn. These professionals collaborate with teachers and administrators to ensure that programs assess students’ learning outcomes according to their ages and abilities. These specialists’ duties typically include recommending changes to programs, ensuring that instructional materials and methods adhere to educational standards, and training teachers and staff.
Median Annual Salary (April 2024): $58,000
Instructional Coordinators
Instructional coordinators create, carry out, and evaluate course curricula. Their jobs include designing instructional materials and methods and finding the best ways to apply them in the classroom. These professionals recommend teaching standards according to state requirements and current research in the field. They also train educators to define and assess learning outcomes.
Median Annual Salary (May 2023): $74,620
Adult Literacy and ESL Teachers
These instructors work with adult learners who need help developing their reading and literacy skills. Some professionals assist pupils in learning ESL. Their duties typically include planning and teaching lessons, identifying potential learning disabilities, tracking student progress, and facilitating the acquisition of primary and advanced skills in reading, writing, and language.
Median Annual Salary (May 2023): $60,560
Continuing Education
Professionals in education must continually receive training and certification to stay current in their fields. People who teach in public elementary and secondary schools must maintain state licensure. Many postsecondary institutions provide licensing and certification courses. Some of these schools offer free massive open online courses (MOOCs), which provide workshops, classes, and other educational resources.
One type of credential is a reading specialist certificate, which qualifies professionals to help students at the K-12 level improve their literacy. An early childhood language and literacy certification prepares educators to help children learn to read and write in elementary and pre-K settings.
How Do I Choose an Online Doctorate in Reading and Literacy Program?
The cost of an online doctorate in reading and literacy varies by school, location, and residency status. According to the NCES, the average tuition for a graduate degree totaled $20,513 annually in 2021-22. This figure differs for public and private schools. Many online programs cost less than in-person courses of study, especially if they waive out-of-state tuition. When considering a graduate degree, you should also keep in mind other expenses, such as room and board, books, and student services.
Program Format
Online doctoral programs vary in their delivery formats. For instance, asynchronous courses might benefit some students with full-time jobs, allowing them to complete their class requirements on their own time. If you who to earn your degrees in a shorter time frame, you might consider enrolling full time instead of taking classes on a part-time basis.
Online doctoral programs can prove more accessible for people limited by geography, work schedules, or finances. If you do well, learning at your own pace, you might find an online program suitable. On the other hand, learners who want the interaction of a traditional classroom setting might prefer on-campus classes.
Doctorate in reading and literacy programs with accreditation can demonstrate academic rigor and adherence to educational requirements. Individuals attending accredited schools can obtain financial aid, and their credits can transfer to other institutions. You should also determine whether a doctoral program holds programmatic accreditation from an organization like the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation.
Student Support
As with on-campus schools, online programs offer various student services to help you make the most of your educational experience. For instance, you can contact student services to access disability accommodations, writing assistance, and academic advising. These programs also help with internships, job interview preparation, and other types of employment assistance.
Frequently Asked Questions About Doctorate in Reading and Literacy Programs
Despite the significant monetary and time commitment that a doctoral program requires, an online doctorate in reading and literacy can increase your earning potential and employment opportunities. The degree qualifies many individuals for leadership and other high-level positions in education and similar fields.
People pursuing jobs in research and postsecondary education typically benefit from earning a doctorate. Also, individuals with a passion for promoting literacy might find this career track rewarding and meaningful.
Note: The insights on this page — excluding school descriptions — were reviewed by an independent third party compensated for their time by BestColleges.
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