Best Online Colleges in Mississippi
Discover the top online colleges in Mississippi and the benefits they offer. From affordable tuition to high-paying job opportunities, find your perfect fit.
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In recent years, online education has transformed the landscape of higher education, offering flexibility, convenience, and a wide range of degree options. In Mississippi, several top-tier colleges and universities offer accredited online programs, providing students with the opportunity to pursue their educational goals from the comfort of their homes.
We’ll take a closer look at the top online colleges in Mississippi and the benefits they offer to students. From affordable tuition costs to high-paying job opportunities, here’s how these online programs can help you achieve your academic and career goals.
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Best Online Colleges in Mississippi
How We Rank Schools
To create this ranking, BestColleges sourced the most recent data available from the National Center for Education Statistics and the U.S. Department of Education College Scorecard. We then ranked each school according to the top variables college students selected in our College Choice and Admissions Survey. To learn more, check out our full rankings methodology or read the summary below.
To qualify for our rankings lists, each school must be an accredited public or private, nonprofit institution. Each eligible school was then ranked based on a formula measuring:
- Affordability (30%)
- Student outcomes (30%)
- Reputation (20%)
- Diversity and social mobility (20%)
In addition, we only included colleges with graduation rates in the top third of all online colleges.
University of Mississippi
University, MS4 yearCampus + Online
University, MS4 yearCampus + Online
Mississippi State University
Mississippi State, MS4 yearCampus + Online
Mississippi State, MS4 yearCampus + Online
University of Southern Mississippi
Hattiesburg, MS4 yearCampus + Online
Hattiesburg, MS4 yearCampus + Online
Cost of College in Mississippi
According to the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), the average cost of attending a public college in Mississippi for the academic year 2022-23 was $9,120 for in-state students.
However, this number doesn’t include other expenses such as room, board, and additional costs, which can vary depending on the institution and the student’s circumstances.
Tuition costs can also vary depending on the type of institution, with four-year public institutions charging an average of $9,120 for in-state students and $21,531 for out-of-state students. Private four-year institutions charge an average tuition of $20,042.
Institution Type | Average Tuition & Required Fees |
Public Four-Year (In-State) | $9,120 |
Public Four-Year (Out-of-State) | $21,531 |
Private Four-Year | $20,042 |
Public Two-Year (In-State) | $3,688 |
Public Two-Year (Out-of-State) | $6,233 |
The 10 Fastest Growing High-Paying Jobs in Mississippi
Mississippi is experiencing significant growth in a variety of high-paying jobs, according to the Mississippi Institutions of Higher Learning.
The healthcare sector, in particular, is booming, with 8 of the top 10 projected fastest-growing high-paying jobs for the period of 2022-2032. Nurse practitioners, physical therapy assistants, and medical and health service managers are among the top-ranking jobs.
The median annual salary for these top ten occupations is more than double the state’s median annual salary, indicating high earning potential. Nurse practitioners have a particularly high concentration in Mississippi, second only to Tennessee. These jobs offer substantial opportunities in terms of job stability, growth potential, and average salaries.
Job | Job Growth 2022-2032 | Median Annual Wage 2022 |
Nurse Practitioners | 97.2% | $108,920 |
Conservation Scientists | 53.3% | $72,820 |
Physical Therapist Assistants | 41.8% | $61,600 |
Medical and Health Services Managers | 37.4% | $80,950 |
Industrial Machinery Mechanics | 27.6% | $52,930 |
Speech-Language Pathologists | 23.9% | $51,840 |
Respiratory Therapists | 21.2% | $51,840 |
Nursing Instructors and Teachers, Postsecondary | 20% | $63,620 |
Health Specialties Teachers, Postsecondary | 16.7% | $109,290 |
Physical Therapists | 16.2% | $97,750 |
Frequently Asked Questions About Online Colleges in Mississippi
Some of the cheapest online colleges in Mississippi include Mississippi University for Women and Delta State University, both with tuition rates around $8,000. The cheapest program for you could vary depending on the financial aid and scholarship offers you receive from colleges in Mississippi.
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