Best Online Colleges in New Jersey

Learn about the best online colleges in New Jersey and which one fits your needs.
Kathleen Curtis
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Updated April 16, 2024
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At This Site, we believe in providing accurate and actionable information for students. Our writers, editors, and reporters are constantly asking themselves the question, ”What information is vital to students right now?” Answering this question is what drives us. Our mission is to inform students through straightforward, factual content informed by the latest data and trends.

The freelance Integrity Network at BestColleges is comprised of seasoned professionals who bring their expertise to almost every subject relevant to college students, including admissions, college majors, financial aid, and student mental health. Network members review and author content, pulling from their first-hand industry experience and ensuring content is as accurate and up-to-date as possible.

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New Jersey is home to dozens of colleges and universities, most of which are strategically located near major metropolitan centers like New York. And with many of these New Jersey colleges offering online programs, you can tap into an exceptional education regardless of your location.

Whether you’re looking to enroll in a bachelor’s or master’s program, or are interested in earning your associate degree at an online community college, there are many online colleges in New Jersey you can choose from.

Keep reading to learn about some of the top online colleges in the Garden State.

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Best Online Colleges in New Jersey

We use trusted sources like Peterson's Data and the National Center for Education Statistics to inform the data for these schools.
from our partners appear among these rankings and are indicated as such.

How We Rank Schools

To create this ranking, BestColleges sourced the most recent data available from the National Center for Education Statistics and the U.S. Department of Education College Scorecard. We then ranked each school according to the top variables college students selected in our College Choice and Admissions Survey. To learn more, check out our full rankings methodology or read the summary below.

To qualify for our rankings lists, each school must be an accredited public or private, nonprofit institution. Each eligible school was then ranked based on a formula measuring:

BestColleges Top-Ranked-2024 Badge
  • Affordability (30%)
  • Student outcomes (30%)
  • Reputation (20%)
  • Diversity and social mobility (20%)

In addition, we only included colleges with graduation rates in the top third of all online colleges.


Rutgers University-New Brunswick

New Brunswick, NJ4 yearCampus + Online


Avg. Undergrad Tuition, In-State


Avg. Undergrad Tuition, Out-of-state


Acceptance Rate


Online Enrollment
Avg. Grad Tuition, In-State


Avg. Grad Tuition, Out-of-state


Retention Rate


Students Enrolled


Institution Type




Avg. Undergrad Tuition, In-State


Avg. Undergrad Tuition, Out-of-state


New Brunswick, NJ4 yearCampus + Online

Avg. Undergrad Tuition, In-State


Avg. Undergrad Tuition, Out-of-state


Acceptance Rate


Online Enrollment


Avg. Grad Tuition, In-State


Avg. Grad Tuition, Out-of-state


Retention Rate


Students Enrolled


Institution Type





Rowan University

Glassboro, NJ4 yearCampus + Online


Avg. Undergrad Tuition, In-State


Avg. Undergrad Tuition, Out-of-state


Acceptance Rate


Online Enrollment
Avg. Grad Tuition, In-State


Avg. Grad Tuition, Out-of-state


Retention Rate


Students Enrolled


Institution Type




Avg. Undergrad Tuition, In-State


Avg. Undergrad Tuition, Out-of-state


Glassboro, NJ4 yearCampus + Online

Avg. Undergrad Tuition, In-State


Avg. Undergrad Tuition, Out-of-state


Acceptance Rate


Online Enrollment


Avg. Grad Tuition, In-State


Avg. Grad Tuition, Out-of-state


Retention Rate


Students Enrolled


Institution Type





Rider University

Lawrenceville, NJ4 yearCampus + Online


Avg. Undergrad Tuition, In-State


Avg. Undergrad Tuition, Out-of-state


Acceptance Rate


Online Enrollment
Avg. Grad Tuition, In-State


Avg. Grad Tuition, Out-of-state


Retention Rate


Students Enrolled


Institution Type




Avg. Undergrad Tuition, In-State


Avg. Undergrad Tuition, Out-of-state


Lawrenceville, NJ4 yearCampus + Online

Avg. Undergrad Tuition, In-State


Avg. Undergrad Tuition, Out-of-state


Acceptance Rate


Online Enrollment


Avg. Grad Tuition, In-State


Avg. Grad Tuition, Out-of-state


Retention Rate


Students Enrolled


Institution Type





Saint Peter's University

Jersey City, NJ4 yearCampus + Online


Avg. Undergrad Tuition, In-State


Avg. Undergrad Tuition, Out-of-state


Acceptance Rate


Online Enrollment
Avg. Grad Tuition, In-State


Avg. Grad Tuition, Out-of-state


Retention Rate


Students Enrolled


Institution Type




Avg. Undergrad Tuition, In-State


Avg. Undergrad Tuition, Out-of-state


Jersey City, NJ4 yearCampus + Online

Avg. Undergrad Tuition, In-State


Avg. Undergrad Tuition, Out-of-state


Acceptance Rate


Online Enrollment


Avg. Grad Tuition, In-State


Avg. Grad Tuition, Out-of-state


Retention Rate


Students Enrolled


Institution Type




Cost of College in New Jersey

While tuition costs will vary depending on where you attend and your residency status, the average tuition costs in New Jersey were a bit more than the national average tuition costs in 2021-2022.

For in-state students at public universities, the national average tuition cost was $9,596, while New Jersey’s average was $14,861. For out-of-state students, the national average public university tuition was $27,457, and the New Jersey average was $29,681.

Cost of College in New Jersey in 2021-2022
Institution TypeAverage Tuition & Required Fees
Public Four-Year (In-State)$14,184
Public Four-Year (Out-of-State)$29,681
Private Four-Year$39,094
Public Two-Year (In-State)$4,919
Public Two-Year (Out-of-State)$8,148
Source: NCES

10 Fast-Growing Jobs in New Jersey

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), a wide variety of careers in New Jersey are projected to grow significantly by 2032.

Nurse practitioner jobs are projected to grow an astounding 38% between 2022 and 2032, and offer substantial six-figure salaries. Jobs within the sciences and technology are also projected to grow, with roles for data scientists, information security analysts, statisticians, and web developers all ranking high.

If you’re interested in pursuing one of these fast-growing careers, consider choosing an online college in NJ that offers a relevant degree.

Note: Wages with an asterisk symbol in the table below denote average wage data.

10 Fast-Growing Jobs in New Jersey
JobJob Growth 2021-2031Median U.S. Annual Wage 2022
Nurse Practitioners38%$121,610
Ushers, Lobby Attendants, And Ticket Takers40.5%$26,390*
Cooks, Restaurant36.6%$36,060*
Data Scientists35.8%$119,040*
Athletes And Sports Competitors35.7%$94,270
Information Security Analysts34.7%$112,000
Web Developers30.3%$95,570*
Animal Caretakers29.9%$33,530*
Source: BLS, DataWrapper

Frequently Asked Questions About Online Colleges in New Jersey

Kean University and William Paterson University of New Jersey are some of the most affordable online colleges in New Jersey, with a student population of at least 1,000. According to the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), Kean University’s in-state tuition fee was $13,426 for the 2023-2024 school year.

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