Best Online Colleges in Washington

Learn about the top online colleges in Washington and how they can get you on the path to a fast-growing career.
Kathleen Curtis
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Updated May 28, 2024
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At This Site, we believe in providing accurate and actionable information for students. Our writers, editors, and reporters are constantly asking themselves the question, ”What information is vital to students right now?” Answering this question is what drives us. Our mission is to inform students through straightforward, factual content informed by the latest data and trends.

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Washington offers many reasons to study in the state, including a robust job market, beautiful natural landscapes, and access to a wide variety of colleges and universities. The state also provides several opportunities for studying online, making it easy for residents and non-residents alike to secure a quality education. An online program can provide you with the flexibility to complete your education while working or balancing other obligations.

When reviewing potential programs, look for those that hold proper accreditation, offer reasonable tuition rates, and have strong data supporting employment after graduation. Check out our list of the best online universities in Washington.

Learn about start dates, transferring credits, availability of financial aid, and more by contacting the universities below.

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Best Online Colleges in Washington

We use trusted sources like Peterson's Data and the National Center for Education Statistics to inform the data for these schools.
from our partners appear among these rankings and are indicated as such.

How We Rank Schools

To create this ranking, BestColleges sourced the most recent data available from the National Center for Education Statistics and the U.S. Department of Education College Scorecard. We then ranked each school according to the top variables college students selected in our College Choice and Admissions Survey. To learn more, check out our full rankings methodology or read the summary below.

To qualify for our rankings lists, each school must be an accredited public or private, nonprofit institution. Each eligible school was then ranked based on a formula measuring:

BestColleges Top-Ranked-2024 Badge
  • Affordability (30%)
  • Student outcomes (30%)
  • Reputation (20%)
  • Diversity and social mobility (20%)

In addition, we only included colleges with graduation rates in the top third of all online colleges.


University of Washington

Seattle, WA4 yearCampus + Online


Avg. Undergrad Tuition, In-State


Avg. Undergrad Tuition, Out-of-state


Acceptance Rate


Online Enrollment
Avg. Grad Tuition, In-State


Avg. Grad Tuition, Out-of-state


Retention Rate


Students Enrolled


Institution Type




Avg. Undergrad Tuition, In-State


Avg. Undergrad Tuition, Out-of-state


Seattle, WA4 yearCampus + Online

Avg. Undergrad Tuition, In-State


Avg. Undergrad Tuition, Out-of-state


Acceptance Rate


Online Enrollment


Avg. Grad Tuition, In-State


Avg. Grad Tuition, Out-of-state


Retention Rate


Students Enrolled


Institution Type





Washington State University

Pullman, WA4 yearCampus + Online


Avg. Undergrad Tuition, In-State


Avg. Undergrad Tuition, Out-of-state


Acceptance Rate


Online Enrollment
Avg. Grad Tuition, In-State


Avg. Grad Tuition, Out-of-state


Retention Rate


Students Enrolled


Institution Type




Avg. Undergrad Tuition, In-State


Avg. Undergrad Tuition, Out-of-state


Pullman, WA4 yearCampus + Online

Avg. Undergrad Tuition, In-State


Avg. Undergrad Tuition, Out-of-state


Acceptance Rate


Online Enrollment


Avg. Grad Tuition, In-State


Avg. Grad Tuition, Out-of-state


Retention Rate


Students Enrolled


Institution Type





Central Washington University

Ellensburg, WA2 yearCampus + Online


Avg. Undergrad Tuition, In-State


Avg. Undergrad Tuition, Out-of-state


Acceptance Rate


Online Enrollment
Avg. Grad Tuition, In-State


Avg. Grad Tuition, Out-of-state


Retention Rate


Students Enrolled


Institution Type




Avg. Undergrad Tuition, In-State


Avg. Undergrad Tuition, Out-of-state


Ellensburg, WA2 yearCampus + Online

Avg. Undergrad Tuition, In-State


Avg. Undergrad Tuition, Out-of-state


Acceptance Rate


Online Enrollment


Avg. Grad Tuition, In-State


Avg. Grad Tuition, Out-of-state


Retention Rate


Students Enrolled


Institution Type





Eastern Washington University

Cheney, WA4 yearCampus + Online


Avg. Undergrad Tuition, In-State


Avg. Undergrad Tuition, Out-of-state


Acceptance Rate


Online Enrollment
Avg. Grad Tuition, In-State


Avg. Grad Tuition, Out-of-state


Retention Rate


Students Enrolled


Institution Type




Avg. Undergrad Tuition, In-State


Avg. Undergrad Tuition, Out-of-state


Cheney, WA4 yearCampus + Online

Avg. Undergrad Tuition, In-State


Avg. Undergrad Tuition, Out-of-state


Acceptance Rate


Online Enrollment


Avg. Grad Tuition, In-State


Avg. Grad Tuition, Out-of-state


Retention Rate


Students Enrolled


Institution Type




Cost of College in Washington

In Washington, the average tuition at public universities is actually less than the national average for in-state students. On the other hand, out-of-state learners can expect to pay more in Washington than the national average.

Keep in mind that universities often offer a lower flat rate for online degree programs, regardless of whether you live in Washington.

Cost of College in Washington in 2021-2022
Institution TypeAverage Tuition & Required Fees
Public Four-Year (In-State)$7,842
Public Four-Year (Out-of-State)$31,410
Private Four-Year$40,839
Public Two-Year (In-State)$4,727
Public Two-Year (Out-of-State)$8,421
Source: National Center for Education Statistics

10 Fast-Growing Jobs in Washington

With a large tech industry in the Evergreen State, it should come as no surprise that information security analysts are projected to be in high demand over the next decade. The Washington Employment Security Department projects roles for these professionals will grow 40% between 2021 and 2031.

Jobs for those with a religious calling are also in demand, with roles for directors of religious activities and education, religious workers, and clergy all slated to expand in the coming years.

10 Fast-Growing Jobs in Washington
JobJob Growth, 2021-2031Average Annual Wage, 2022
Information Security Analysts40%$112,000
Directors, Religious Activities and Education35%$49,380
Compensation, Benefits, and Job Analysis Specialists34%$131,280
Religious Workers34%$39,370
Music Directors and Composers34%$62,940
Chief Executives32%$100,090
Computer and Information Systems Managers30%$164,070
Computer Systems Analysts30%$102,240
Management Analysts29%$95,290
Sources: Washington Employment Security Department, BLS

Frequently Asked Questions About Online Colleges in Washington

Many factors go into what makes the cheapest online college, including federal aid. From a strictly tuition-based standpoint, Washington State University’s Global Campus charges among the cheapest tuition rates at $5,675 per semester for residents and $6,326 for non-residents.

Note: The insights on this page — excluding school descriptions — were reviewed by an independent third party compensated for their time by BestColleges. Page last reviewed April 16, 2024.

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