Best Online Associate in Physical Therapy Assistant Programs

Discover the benefits of earning an online PTA associate degree, including job growth opportunities, salary, and program requirements.
Matthew Arrojas
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Updated June 14, 2024
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The job market for physical therapy assistants is projected to explode over the next decade. So, how can you pursue a career as a physical therapy assistant (PTA)?

An online associate program is an efficient and often less costly way to become a physical therapy assistant. Earning your associate degree and required certification will allow you to work with patients on the road to recovery or help clients manage chronic issues. You’ll work with physical therapists to help provide positive outcomes for patients of all ages.

All PTAs must earn an associate degree to practice physical therapy professionally. Read on to learn more about the best associate degrees to become a physical therapy assistant and what to expect from a program.

Featured Online PTA Programs

Learn about start dates, transferring credits, availability of financial aid, and more by contacting the universities below.

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Top Physical Therapy Assistant Programs Online

We use trusted sources like Peterson's Data and the National Center for Education Statistics to inform the data for these schools.
from our partners appear among these rankings and are indicated as such.

How We Rank Schools

To create this ranking, BestColleges sourced the most recent data available from the National Center for Education Statistics and the U.S. Department of Education College Scorecard. We then ranked each school according to the top variables college students selected in our College Choice and Admissions Survey. To learn more, check out our full rankings methodology or read the summary below.

To qualify for our rankings lists, each school must be an accredited public or private, nonprofit institution. Each eligible school was then ranked based on a formula measuring:

BestColleges Top-Ranked-2024 Badge
  • Affordability (30%)
  • Student outcomes (30%)
  • Reputation (20%)
  • Diversity and social mobility (20%)

In addition, we only included colleges with graduation rates in the top third of all online colleges.


Santa Fe College

Gainesville, FL4 yearOnline


Avg. Undergrad Tuition, In-State


Avg. Undergrad Tuition, Out-of-state


Acceptance Rate


Online Enrollment
Avg. Grad Tuition, In-State


Avg. Grad Tuition, Out-of-state


Retention Rate


Students Enrolled


Institution Type




Avg. Undergrad Tuition, In-State


Avg. Undergrad Tuition, Out-of-state


Santa Fe College

Gainesville, FL4 yearOnline

Avg. Undergrad Tuition, In-State


Avg. Undergrad Tuition, Out-of-state


Acceptance Rate


Online Enrollment


Avg. Grad Tuition, In-State


Avg. Grad Tuition, Out-of-state


Retention Rate


Students Enrolled


Institution Type





San Juan College

Farmington, NM2 yearCampus + Online


Avg. Undergrad Tuition, In-State


Avg. Undergrad Tuition, Out-of-state


Acceptance Rate


Online Enrollment
Avg. Grad Tuition, In-State


Avg. Grad Tuition, Out-of-state


Retention Rate


Students Enrolled


Institution Type




Avg. Undergrad Tuition, In-State


Avg. Undergrad Tuition, Out-of-state


Farmington, NM2 yearCampus + Online

Avg. Undergrad Tuition, In-State


Avg. Undergrad Tuition, Out-of-state


Acceptance Rate


Online Enrollment


Avg. Grad Tuition, In-State


Avg. Grad Tuition, Out-of-state


Retention Rate


Students Enrolled


Institution Type




Physical Therapy Assistant Job Description

Physical therapy assistants (PTAs) carry out treatment plans with patients looking to recover from an injury, manage a disability, or improve movement, among other goals.

PTAs work alongside physical therapists. The physical therapist initially meets with the patient to come up with a treatment plan, and the physical therapy assistant helps the physical therapist implement that plan. PTAs will meet with the primary therapist periodically to update them on patient progress.

Physical therapy assistants work with people of all ages, including newborns and the elderly.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) predicts 26% job growth for physical therapy assistants over the next eight years. That’s much higher than the projected growth of all occupations (3%).

Physical Therapy Assistant Salary

The median physical therapy assistant salary is $64,080 as of May 2023, according to BLS data.

Individual wages can be dependent on things like what kind of employer you have and what state you are working in. For example, physical therapy assistants working at nursing and residential care facilities have a median annual salary of $76,110, according to the BLS, while those working at an ambulatory health care provider boast a median salary of $62,180.

PTAs make a modest amount compared to other types of physical therapy jobs.

Physical Therapist Assistant & Related Fields Median Annual Salaries, May 2023

Physical Therapist Assistants



Physical Therapist


Source: BLS

A PTA looking to improve their salaries may consider becoming a physical therapist. However, you will need to earn a doctoral degree in physical therapy to become a physical therapist. A PTA associate degree can be a good first step in that direction.

What Is an Online PTA Program?

An online physical therapy assistant program will equip you with the skills and education needed to become a physical therapy assistant. All PTAs must earn a minimum of an associate degree to enter into the field.

It typically takes two years, or five semesters, to earn an online associate degree.

According to the American Physical Therapy Association, approximately 75% of the PTA curriculum is classroom and lab time, while the remaining 25% is dedicated to full-time clinical experiences. Online programs will vary in how they require you to complete your practicum requirement if you are a remote student.

PTA courses will likely touch on:

  • Physiology
  • Kinesiology
  • Behavioral science
  • Neuroscience
  • Biomechanics
  • Anatomy

Frequently Asked Questions About Online Physical Therapy Assistant Programs

It will likely take you about two years to earn your associate degree to become a physical therapy assistant. That timeline includes classroom time, and clinical experience is required.

Note: The insights on this page — excluding school descriptions — were reviewed by an independent third party compensated for their time by BestColleges. Page last reviewed May 8, 2024.

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