9 Healthcare Administration Careers to Explore

Bernard Grant, Ph.D.
Updated on January 6, 2025
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Explore the diverse and in-demand careers in healthcare administration, including the top-paying jobs and the best degrees to pursue.

Portions of the following article were drafted using an in-house natural language generation platform. The article was then reviewed, fact-checked, and edited by multiple members of our editorial team prior to publishing.

Healthcare administration encompasses a wide range of careers — often related to making sure healthcare facilities run smoothly.

Whether you want to work in hospitals, clinics, government agencies, or insurance companies, a degree in healthcare administration can lead you to your goal. With this degree, you can become a health service manager, hospital administrator, healthcare consultant, and more.

Remember, the key to success in this field is not just the right degree but also leadership skills and a passion for improving healthcare delivery and patient care.

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9 Healthcare Administration Jobs You Can Get

There are a variety of healthcare administration jobs you can pursue, from clinical manager all the way to executive roles. Explore 9 healthcare administration careers to find which one might be right for you, with 2024 salary data from Payscale.

1. Clinical Manager

As a clinical manager, you oversee a specific department within a healthcare facility. This role requires leadership and organizational skills, as well as a healthcare-related degree. You may work in a hospital or clinic, managing staff and budgets and ensuring quality patient care.

2. Healthcare Administrator

As a healthcare administrator, you will apply your leadership, communication, and healthcare technology skills to manage staff, budgets, and patient care at a healthcare facility. You’ll need a bachelor’s degree, and your primary responsibilities would be to ensure compliance, manage finances, and coordinate staff. Some employers may require a master’s degree.

3. Healthcare Consultant

As a healthcare consultant, you could provide advice to healthcare organizations on how to improve efficiency, meet regulatory requirements, and increase profitability. You’ll need a bachelor’s or master’s degree in health administration or a related field, as well as excellent communication, analytical, and financial skills.

4. Health Informatics Specialist

As a health informatics specialist, you’ll manage and analyze health information to improve patient care and healthcare delivery systems. Hiring managers prefer candidates who hold a master’s degree. If qualified, you may find yourself working with insurance companies or in government agencies or hospitals.

5. Healthcare Information Manager

  • Minimum Education Required: Bachelor’s in health information management
  • Average Salary:$62,590

As a healthcare information manager, you may oversee patient records. The role requires a bachelor’s degree in health information management. You can work in hospitals or clinics, where you ensure data is accurate and meets regulatory compliance.

6. Health Services Manager

As a health services manager, you will be responsible for the security and accuracy of patient records, ensuring they are kept in compliance with laws and regulations. You’ll need communication, analytical thinking, and management skills, as well as a bachelor’s in healthcare management. You can work in various healthcare settings, like clinics and hospitals.

7. Hospital Administrator

As a hospital administrator, you will be responsible for the day-to-day operations of a healthcare facility, ensuring it runs efficiently and provides high-quality care. You’ll likely work in a hospital setting, coordinating staff, finances, and policies.

8. Medical Services Manager

As a medical services manager, you will likely oversee the activities of a specific clinical department or manage an entire healthcare facility. The role requires education in healthcare management, healthcare administration, or a related field.

Key skills include leadership, communication, and financial planning. You might work in various medical settings.

9. Practice Manager

As a practice manager in healthcare, you would oversee operations, staffing, and patient services at doctor’s offices, clinics, and hospitals. You’ll need to earn a bachelor’s degree in healthcare or business and gain skills in leadership, communication, and financial management.

What Healthcare Administration Jobs Can You Get With Your Degree?

The type of degree you hold can determine the healthcare administration jobs you qualify for. The higher your degree, the more qualified you are for high-level roles. Below, we explore the jobs associated with different degree levels.

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    Associate in Healthcare Administration

    With an associate degree, you could qualify for entry-level jobs such as a health information technician or administrative assistant in a healthcare facility.

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    Bachelor’s in Healthcare Administration

    A bachelor’s degree could qualify you for roles such as health services manager, healthcare consultant, or medical and health services manager.

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    Master’s in Healthcare Administration

    A master’s degree in healthcare administration could qualify you for high-level roles such as hospital administrator, healthcare executive, or healthcare consultant.

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    Doctorate in Healthcare Administration

    A doctorate in healthcare administration could qualify you for executive roles like chief executive officer (CEO) or chief operations officer (COO) of a healthcare facility or a career in academia as a professor or researcher.

Frequently Asked Questions About Healthcare Administration Jobs

While salaries vary greatly based on experience, location, and the size of the healthcare facility, the highest-paying jobs in healthcare administration are usually C-suite roles, such as CEO or COO.

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