Affordable Health Science Master’s Programs

N. Susan Emeagwali
Updated on October 28, 2024
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Health science master’s programs prepare you for some of the nation’s fastest-growing occupations. Explore the most affordable MHS degree options as well as financial aid possibilities.

A master’s in health science (MHS) program prepares students for a variety of careers, from protecting public health to education to scientific research.

As with many education programs, pursuing an MHS degree can be costly. This listing is the result of extensive research into health science master’s programs from around the country. Each one is estimated to cost you less than $15,000 total in tuition as of 2024, according to federal statistics. We’ve also provided financial aid opportunities tailored specifically to students preparing for healthcare jobs.

Health Science Master’s Programs Below $15,000

The schools on this list were selected based on data from individual schools and the National Center for Education Statistics. As of 2024, these health science master’s programs and pathways offered tuition rates under $15,000 for these programs.

Listed costs do not include other expenses commonly associated with higher education, such as fees, materials, and housing, among others. Also, online, in-state, and public programs and schools are often less expensive than in-person, out-of-state, and/or private options.

Florida Gulf Coast University: Master of Health Science

Florida Gulf Coast University’s health science master’s program focuses on health services administration. Students develop skills such as healthcare management, financial management, strategic thinking, and marketing.

An internship component provides hands-on experience in a healthcare setting. The 45-credit degree’s fully online curriculum provides flexibility for working professionals. Out-of-state residents may receive a tuition waiver. This would make their tuition equivalent to the tuition Florida residents pay.

Estimated Tuition: $13,440

University of the Cumberlands: Master of Science Degree in Health and Human Performance

This online master’s degree from the University of the Cumberlands in Kentucky instructs learners on disease prevention and health promotion. The 30-credit program consists of a core curriculum and additional elective courses focusing on health and fitness promotion, coaching and fitness leadership, plant-based nutrition, and more.

Enrollees prepare for careers in health education, athletic training, and physical therapy. The college boasts some of the nation’s lowest tuition rates, according to the school’s website, and students also receive free textbooks.

Estimated Tuition: $10,650

University of South Dakota: Master’s Degree in Health Sciences — Applied Behavior Analysis

This hybrid program from the University of South Dakota (USD) guides students toward board certification in the field of applied behavior analysis.

Students complete the 30-credit degree online except for limited supervised training on the Sioux Falls campus. USD emphasizes affordability with comparably low tuition rates. Online learners pay the same tuition regardless of where they live.

Estimated Tuition: $14,250

University of South Florida: Master of Public Health

The University of South Florida’s master of public health (MPH) program offers a variety of specializations. Online students can pursue concentrations in public health practice; community nutrition; and health, safety, and environment, to name a few.

The 42-credit program requires a core curriculum and a 9-18-credit concentration. Enrollees can maximize their credentials with multiple concentrations. The university’s College of Public Health offers reduced tuition to online students who live out of state.

Estimated Tuition: $14,616

University of West Florida: Master of Science in Health Promotion and Wellness

The University of West Florida’s online master of science in health promotion and wellness program is primarily designed for prospective health educators. Graduates also may go on to pursue administrative careers within organizations and communities.

The 30-credit curriculum consists of a core and electives such as environmental health and human resources in healthcare. An optional internship gives students direct experience. The university offers affordable tuition and tuition waivers that cover up to 90% of out-of-state tuition.

Estimated Tuition: $11,538

Western Carolina University: Master of Health Sciences

Western Carolina University in North Carolina designed its master of health sciences (MHS) program for recent college graduates and professionals with a healthcare background. Enrollees receive training for leadership positions across the healthcare sector.

The 33-credit MHS requires core courses and 15 credit hours in one of four concentrations: health management, health education, nutrition, or emergency medical care. Students apply their knowledge and skills to a culminating capstone project. The program provides flexibility with a fully online curriculum and full-time and part-time enrollment options.

Estimated Tuition: $10,240 (includes fees)

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How to Make Education More Affordable

Graduate school may seem out of reach for many students, including those interested in health science master’s programs. But help is available.

Graduate and professional students can apply for financial aid from the federal government, educational institutions, and private organizations. Paid assistantship opportunities are often available for graduate students, though this happens mainly at universities.

Students must repay student loans. However, grants and scholarships provide free money that needs no repayment. Some organizations establish scholarship programs specifically for students pursuing healthcare careers.

Here are some important steps you can take to increase your chances of securing financial aid for your education.

Fill Out the FAFSA

Completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) form is a crucial step to gain access to financial aid.

Many states and schools use the FAFSA to determine your eligibility for grants, scholarships, and loans.

Eligibility criteria vary depending on the type of aid but include financial need and scholastic ability.

Healthcare Education Scholarships

Explore the following healthcare scholarships to help pay for your health science master’s program. Each scholarship sponsor has its own eligibility guidelines, and application deadlines vary.

APHA Kaiser Permanente Community Health Scholarship

The American Public Health Association partners with Kaiser Permanente to provide tuition scholarships to students who plan to pursue an MPH or a doctoral degree in public health.

  • Eligibility Requirements: Applicants must be a U.S. citizen or green-card holder and plan to enroll at one of 10 partner universities.
  • Amount Offered: $15,000 annually for two years

Foster G. McGaw Graduate Student Scholarship

The American College of Healthcare Executives administers this scholarship program for students enrolled in healthcare management programs.

  • Eligibility Requirements: Applicants must be a U.S. or Canadian citizen or legal permanent resident, demonstrate financial need, and be enrolled in a healthcare management graduate program such as a master of public health (MPH) or master of healthcare administration (MHA).
  • Amount Offered: $5,000

AAHAM Scholarship Program

The American Association of Healthcare Administrative Management offers educational scholarships to its members and their dependents.

  • Eligibility Requirements: The organization does not specify any field of study. Applicants must submit an application and supporting documents.
  • Amount Offered: $1,000-$2,500

Barbara A. Cooley Master’s Scholarship

The Society of Health and Physical Educators (SHAPE) awards this scholarship to a master’s-level student pursuing a degree in health education.

  • Eligibility Requirements: Applicants must be enrolled in an accredited program in the U.S. or a U.S. territory and have a minimum 3.0 GPA.
  • Amount Offered: $1,000

NHHF Hispanic Health Professional Student Scholarship

The National Hispanic Health Foundation sponsors scholarships for graduate students in programs such as public health.

  • Eligibility Requirements: Applicants do not need to be Hispanic. Each student must have a minimum 3.0 GPA, documented leadership activities, and a commitment to providing healthcare services to the Hispanic community.
  • Amount Offered: $2,000-$5,000

HHS — Indian Health Service (IHS) Scholarship Program

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ IHS administers the Health Professions Scholarship for American Indian and Alaska Native tribal members. The scholarship is open to students from these backgrounds who intend to pursue health profession degrees at the undergraduate or graduate level.

  • Eligibility Requirements: Applicants must be a member of a state-recognized American Indian tribe or Alaska Native village. Candidates must have a minimum 2.0 GPA and agree to a minimum two-year commitment to practice at an Indian health facility.
  • Amount Offered: Varies

You can pursue additional scholarship opportunities and learn more about professional organizations through the following resources. Joining a professional organization can give you access to membership benefits and scholarship opportunities.

Resources for Health Science Students

  • CareerOneStop: Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor, CareerOneStop is a comprehensive hub that you can use to explore careers, learn about training opportunities, plan your job search, and search for scholarships.
  • Health Sciences Association: HSA is a union that represents healthcare and social services professionals such as dietitians, social workers, and health records administrators. Member benefits include access to scholarships and professional development opportunities.
  • Association of Schools and Programs of Public Health: ASPPH offers fellowships and internships for graduate students enrolled in MPH programs at Council on Education for Public Health-accredited ASPPH-member schools or programs.

Frequently Asked Questions About Health Science Master’s Programs

A master’s in health science is a versatile degree that paves the way for a variety of healthcare careers. The program draws from multiple disciplines, such as the liberal arts, sciences, and public health.

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