Best Online Physician Assistant Master’s Programs

We’ve ranked the best online physician assistant master’s programs nationwide. Learn more about the education required to enter this growing field.
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Updated September 16, 2024
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A physician assistant master’s degree helps prepare you for a career in hospitals, outpatient centers, physicians’ offices, and other medical environments. Physician assistants (PAs) may examine patients, administer treatments or medication, and assist in surgeries or other medical procedures.

Earning an online master’s degree as a physician’s assistant typically requires 30-100 credits, which you can complete in 1-3 years at top online schools. Online program costs are comparable to traditional programs, although you may save on housing and transportation.

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Best Online Physician Assistant Master’s Programs

We use trusted sources like Peterson's Data and the National Center for Education Statistics to inform the data for these schools.
from our partners appear among these rankings and are indicated as such.

How We Rank Schools

To create this ranking, BestColleges sourced the most recent data available from the National Center for Education Statistics and the U.S. Department of Education College Scorecard. We then ranked each school according to the top variables college students selected in our College Choice and Admissions Survey. To learn more, check out our full rankings methodology or read the summary below.

To qualify for our rankings lists, each school must be an accredited public or private, nonprofit institution. Each eligible school was then ranked based on a formula measuring:

BestColleges Top-Ranked-2024 Badge
  • Affordability (30%)
  • Student outcomes (30%)
  • Reputation (20%)
  • Diversity and social mobility (20%)

In addition, we only included colleges with graduation rates in the top third of all online colleges.


Yale University

New Haven, CT4 yearCampus


Avg. Grad Tuition, In-State


Avg. Grad Tuition, Out-of-state


Acceptance Rate


Online Enrollment
Avg. Undergrad Tuition, In-State


Avg. Undergrad Tuition, Out-of-state


Retention Rate


Students Enrolled


Institution Type




Avg. Grad Tuition, In-State


Avg. Grad Tuition, Out-of-state


New Haven, CT4 yearCampus

Avg. Grad Tuition, In-State


Avg. Grad Tuition, Out-of-state


Acceptance Rate


Online Enrollment


Avg. Undergrad Tuition, In-State


Avg. Undergrad Tuition, Out-of-state


Retention Rate


Students Enrolled


Institution Type





University of Wisconsin-Madison

Madison, WI4 yearCampus + Online


Avg. Grad Tuition, In-State


Avg. Grad Tuition, Out-of-state


Acceptance Rate


Online Enrollment
Avg. Undergrad Tuition, In-State


Avg. Undergrad Tuition, Out-of-state


Retention Rate


Students Enrolled


Institution Type




Avg. Grad Tuition, In-State


Avg. Grad Tuition, Out-of-state


Madison, WI4 yearCampus + Online

Avg. Grad Tuition, In-State


Avg. Grad Tuition, Out-of-state


Acceptance Rate


Online Enrollment


Avg. Undergrad Tuition, In-State


Avg. Undergrad Tuition, Out-of-state


Retention Rate


Students Enrolled


Institution Type





The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Edinburg, TX4 yearCampus + Online


Avg. Grad Tuition, In-State


Avg. Grad Tuition, Out-of-state


Acceptance Rate


Online Enrollment
Avg. Undergrad Tuition, In-State


Avg. Undergrad Tuition, Out-of-state


Retention Rate


Students Enrolled


Institution Type




Avg. Grad Tuition, In-State


Avg. Grad Tuition, Out-of-state


Edinburg, TX4 yearCampus + Online

Avg. Grad Tuition, In-State


Avg. Grad Tuition, Out-of-state


Acceptance Rate


Online Enrollment


Avg. Undergrad Tuition, In-State


Avg. Undergrad Tuition, Out-of-state


Retention Rate


Students Enrolled


Institution Type





University of North Dakota

Grand Forks, ND4 yearCampus + Online


Avg. Grad Tuition, In-State


Avg. Grad Tuition, Out-of-state


Acceptance Rate


Online Enrollment
Avg. Undergrad Tuition, In-State


Avg. Undergrad Tuition, Out-of-state


Retention Rate


Students Enrolled


Institution Type




Avg. Grad Tuition, In-State


Avg. Grad Tuition, Out-of-state


Grand Forks, ND4 yearCampus + Online

Avg. Grad Tuition, In-State


Avg. Grad Tuition, Out-of-state


Acceptance Rate


Online Enrollment


Avg. Undergrad Tuition, In-State


Avg. Undergrad Tuition, Out-of-state


Retention Rate


Students Enrolled


Institution Type




What Can I Expect From an Online Physician Assistant Master’s Program?

You can benefit from the ability to handle diverse tasks and communicate clearly to patients, doctors, and colleagues. You must remain calm in high-stress environments and situations that require decisions under pressure.

Physician assistant graduate school programs vary in length. Some online programs only require 30 credits and can be completed in about a year of full-time study, although these options are typically for practicing PAs with ample experience who want to earn a graduate degree to advance their careers. Many top online programs require 90-100 credits and take full-time students 2-3 years to complete.

Many online programs require some on-campus coursework and previous medical work experience of at least 500 hours or more. Physician assistant online master’s degrees may also require you to complete clinical practicums in various specialties.

While PAs are not required to specialize, some choose to focus on one type of medicine. Common specialties include family medicine, general surgery, emergency medicine, pediatrics, internal medicine, dermatology, and surgery subspecialties.

What Can I Do With an Online Physician Assistant Master’s Degree?

The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects physician assistant jobs to grow 28% between 2023 and 2033 — much higher than the average for all jobs.

After earning a physician assistant certification, you can pursue other certifications to demonstrate expertise in one or more specialties like anesthesia, cardiology, surgery, orthopedics, pediatrics, dermatology, or emergency medicine. PAs benefit from the flexibility to pursue multiple specialties throughout their career.

Physician Assistant Industries and Salaries
IndustryMedian Annual Salary (May 2023)
Outpatient Care Center$141,050
Offices of Physicians$126,280
Educational Services$115,160
Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics

Frequently Asked Questions About Physician Assistant Master’s Programs

According to the BLS, the median salary for physician’s assistants across specialties was $130,020 as of May 2023. This is significantly more than the average salary for all occupations.

A physician’s assistant master’s can open up flexible career advancement options. Plus, you can choose to specialize in one or more medical fields and work in various settings, such as hospitals, medical offices, community health centers, nursing homes, retail clinics, and rural clinics.

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