NASA Gives $5M to 7 Women’s Colleges to Tackle Gender Gap in STEM

- Women make up only 27% of all STEM workers and are paid 26% less, on average, than men in STEM.
- The grant is in response to White House Executive Order 14035 to address the STEM career gender gap.
- The award goes to seven women’s colleges and universities nationwide.
Seven women’s colleges and universities are getting a boost from NASA to help women pursuing careers in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM).
NASA is awarding more than $5 million to these institutions to research and develop strategies to increase retention of women in STEM programs and careers.
The grant is a response to White House Executive Order 14035 to address the national higher education and career gender gap and the experiences of women in STEM. In 2019, women made up 27% of all STEM workers in the U.S. and, on average, are paid 26% less than men in STEM, according to a previous BestColleges report.
“This is a very exciting first; we’re making strides to close the pervasive gender gap in STEM, and Women’s Colleges and Universities are well-positioned to help drive that positive change,” Pam Melroy, NASA deputy administrator and Wellesley College graduate, said in a press release.
“It’s more important than ever we have brilliant, enthusiastic people entering the workforce and ready to take on the ambitious plans and challenges ahead.”
The Institutions and Their Proposed Projects for Women in STEM
Agnes Scott College
Decatur, Georgia
Alumnae Network & Career Resources Program — STEM Support Anchored at Agnes Scott College
Alverno College
Alverno College “Launching the Future”: An Intersectional Approach to Boosting Recruitment and Retention of Women in STEM Undergraduate Education
Cedar Crest College
Allentown, Pennsylvania
TOWERS — Tackling Obstacles for Women’s Engagement & Retention in STEM at Cedar Crest College
College of Saint Mary
Omaha, Nebraska
Project BLOOM for Women in STEM — Bolstering Learning, Opportunities, Outreach, and Mindfulness
Salem Academy and College
Winston-Salem, North Carolina
Soar With Salem: A Comprehensive Program to Inspire Women and Girls to Become the Next Generation of STEM Professionals
Simmons University
DREAM-WSTEM (Dynamic Research Education Academy for Mentoring Women in STEM)
Smith College
Northampton, Massachusetts
Developing a Pathway to MaRS (Math Resilient Students) in STEM: A Cascading Mentorship Model