Student Loan Forgiveness Application Now Live. Here’s How To Apply.

- The application for federal student loan forgiveness asks for just a few key pieces of information to complete.
- Those who filled out the beta form over the weekend will not need to re-submit their information now that the official application is live.
- Experts recommend completing the application by Nov. 14 to get forgiveness before payments resume.
NOV. 11 UPDATE: Federal Student Aid stopped accepting new applications for student loan debt forgiveness on Nov. 11 due to ongoing court challenges aimed at stopping the program.
The moment millions have been waiting for is here: The website to apply for federal student loan cancellation is now live.
Federal Student Aid dropped the beta version of its application late Friday, and the official version on Monday. The short application asks for just six pieces of information, and borrowers can complete the online form in a few minutes.
The beta form helped stress-test the application process for that formal version. President Joe Biden said during a Monday address that over 8 million borrowers filled out the beta application over the weekend.
Those who filled out the beta form will not need to re-submit their information now that the official application is live.
Here’s what you’ll need to complete the form:
- First name
- Last name
- Social security number
- Date of birth
- Phone number
- Email address
Biden announced on Aug. 24 that borrowers making less than $125,000 per year and couples under $250,000 can qualify for up to $10,000 in student loan debt forgiveness. Pell Grant recipients can have up to $20,000 in debt canceled.
The form does not require tax information to verify income. Instead, it asks borrowers to affirm that they meet the income requirement for either 2020 or 2021.
The application also states that applicants should be prepared to provide proof of income if requested. They will have until March 31, 2024 to do so.
Borrowers will have until Dec. 31, 2023 to submit the official application for debt relief, according to an ED filing in the Federal Register.
Experts suggest borrowers submit their application by Nov. 15, as it is expected to take up to six weeks for ED to process each application. Submitting by Nov. 15 should ensure debt cancellation before the end of the pause on federal student loan payments on Jan. 1.
The beta form comes as the Biden administration is fighting back lawsuits aimed at stopping his cancellation plan before it goes into effect. The most high-profile case involves six attorneys general from Republican-controlled states, and a federal judge conducted a hearing for that suit on Oct. 12.