When Do College Decisions Come Out?

Evan Castillo
Updated on March 11, 2025
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While college decision timelines depend on a number of variables, most students who apply in the fall can expect college decisions by mid-March to early April.
WESTMINSTER, CA - APRIL 21: La Quinta High School senior Julia Do shows her Harvard T-shirt outside the high school in Westminster on Wednesday, April 21, 2021. Harvard was one of 15 prestigious colleges she received an acceptance letter from. "u201cI"u2019m 90% sure i"u2019m going to Harvard, but I won"u2019t be deciding until after April,"u201d Do said. (Photo by Leonard Ortiz/MediaNews Group/Orange County Register via Getty Images)Credit: Image Credit: Leonard Ortiz / MediaNews Group / Orange County Register / Getty Images

  • Most college applicants pursue what is known as regular decision, which means applying in the fall and hearing back in the spring.
  • Early action and early decision applicants will hear back between mid-December and late February, depending on the type of application chosen.
  • Prospective students can also choose to apply to schools that use rolling admission, which means applying and normally hearing back within a few weeks.

So you’ve applied to college and are eagerly awaiting a decision, but how long do you have to wait?

It depends on when — and how — you applied.

While there is no universal date that all colleges follow, you can expect decisions from schools you applied to within general timeframes.

For example, suppose you decided not to apply using early action or early decision. In that case, you should expect regular admission decisions by mid-March to April 1 of next year.

While you can accept your college decision right after you receive it, make sure to do so by College Decision Day on May 1, 2026. If you miss the deadline to accept, try reaching out to your school’s admissions office.

College Admissions Timeline
 Admissions Decision Dates
Early ActionMid-December 2025 to Late January 2026
Early DecisionMid to Late December 2025
Early Decision IIMid to Late February 2026
Regular DecisionMid-March 2026 to April 1, 2026
Rolling AdmissionTypically opens in September and continues through spring; expect admissions decision 4 to 6 weeks after applying.

What Is Early Action?

Early action is a nonbinding way to apply sooner than regular decision applicants. It allows you to apply to multiple schools without the risk of being bound to one specific school. Applying early action gets you a decision faster and increases your chances of getting an acceptance than regular decision.

What Is Early Decision I and II?

Early decision is a binding agreement with a university. Under this agreement, you can only apply to one school and must agree to attend if accepted. These applications require signatures from you, your family, and a school counselor.

Early decision II follows the same protocol, but you have longer to apply.

What Is Regular Decision?

Regular Decision is the traditional deadline usually set in late December or January. Schools won’t accept applications after this deadline, and they will only review your application after the deadline.

What Are Rolling Admissions?

Rolling Admissions allows you to apply to colleges within six months without a deadline. You have much more time to apply, though spots may close sooner than later. However, rolling admissions are the least common admissions type.