How Hard Is Nursing School?
From the first day of lab in nursing school, our instructors made it clear the task in front of us was not for the weak — rule-breaking, unprofessional behavior, and uniform deviations of any kind would not be tolerated. When the lab started, the instructor called out one of my peers and told him to leave because he was wearing dirty sneakers; he couldn’t return until he found proper ones.
This may seem excessive, but this is a typical day in nursing school, and one of the biggest hurdles is adjusting to the culture. On top of all that, nursing school has many science and math courses and seeks to develop clinical skills and critical thinking. With dropout rates around 20-25% in many programs, it’s clear not everyone will be successful as a nursing student.
But if I made it, you can too.
Read on to see what you should consider while evaluating nursing programs.
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Is Nursing School Hard?
Pick the Right Program
While nursing school is hard, it’s important to remember you will have a different experience depending on the type of nursing career you pursue. This will help determine how difficult nursing school will be for you, especially if you need to hold a job or have childcare or family obligations. Time management in college is easily one of the most crucial skills nursing students have to develop quickly.
Know Your School’s Support Services
Another critical feature of nursing programs is the type of support services they offer. Nursing students are at increased risk of suicide compared to non-nursing students. While all nursing programs are challenging, the presence of additional support like mental health counseling, tutoring, mentorship, and one-on-one time with faculty can make all the difference if you start to struggle in your nursing education journey.
Worrying about how you’ll pay for school can also be a massive distraction as a nursing student. While sick relatives and unexpected emergencies can’t be planned for, understanding your total costs for nursing school, the financial aid process, and nursing scholarship options can help. Some nursing schools have crisis funds for students with financial need, so speak to your administration if things get difficult.
Adjust to Nursing Culture
Adjusting to the high expectations of nursing culture can be the most challenging part of nursing school. As someone who has earned a traditional undergraduate degree and a nursing degree, I know faculty expectations are different — and they should be. Nursing school prepares you to hold patients’ lives in your hands, and your day-to-day work tasks can have serious consequences.
Frequently Asked Questions About About Nursing School
Yes, nursing is one of the more demanding courses of study one can undertake! Though the experience will differ for everyone, make sure you understand the process, know what nursing entails, and comprehend the financial requirements.