Best HBCU Online Degree Programs 2024
Enrolling in an online program at an HBCU may save you money on a degree. Learn more about HBCU online degree programs.
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At This Site, we believe in providing accurate and actionable information for students. Our writers, editors, and reporters are constantly asking themselves the question, ”What information is vital to students right now?” Answering this question is what drives us. Our mission is to inform students through straightforward, factual content informed by the latest data and trends.
The freelance Integrity Network at BestColleges is comprised of seasoned professionals who bring their expertise to almost every subject relevant to college students, including admissions, college majors, financial aid, and student mental health. Network members review and author content, pulling from their first-hand industry experience and ensuring content is as accurate and up-to-date as possible.
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A 2024 Brookings Institution report shows that enrolling at a historically Black college or university (HBCU) increases African American students’ chances of graduating by 12 percentage points. HBCU graduates also make more money than their peers who attended non-HBCU institutions.
HBCU online degree programs can help you advance your education and salary potential. Online education benefits working professionals, parents, and other degree-seekers who cannot live on or commute to campus. Online programs may also help you save money on your education.
Popular Online Programs
Learn about start dates, transferring credits, availability of financial aid, and more by contacting the universities below.
Best HBCU Online Degree Programs 2024
How We Rank Schools
To create this ranking, BestColleges sourced the most recent data available from the National Center for Education Statistics and the U.S. Department of Education College Scorecard. We then ranked each school according to the top variables college students selected in our College Choice and Admissions Survey. To learn more, check out our full rankings methodology or read the summary below.
To qualify for our rankings lists, each school must be an accredited public or private, nonprofit institution. Each eligible school was then ranked based on a formula measuring:
- Affordability (30%)
- Student outcomes (30%)
- Reputation (20%)
- Diversity and social mobility (20%)
In addition, we only included colleges with graduation rates in the top third of all online colleges.
North Carolina A&T State University
Greensboro, NC4 yearCampus + Online
Greensboro, NC4 yearCampus + Online
Hampton University
Hampton, VA4 yearCampus + Online
Hampton, VA4 yearCampus + Online
North Carolina Central University
Durham, NC4 yearCampus + Online
Durham, NC4 yearCampus + Online
How Much Does an Online HBCU Cost?
A 2022 United Negro College Foundation (UNCF) report shows that the typical HBCU degree-seeker pays just over $25,000 in annual tuition. This figure falls well below the average tuition at comparable four-year colleges and universities.
As tuition rates vary among HBCUs, compare their cost of attendance (COA) to make an informed decision. COA includes fees, textbooks, and other education-related expenses. HBCUs may exempt online degree-seekers from some fees.
HBCU online degree programs may offer cost savings beyond lower COA. Public HBCUs may waive out-of-state tuition for online students. You can also apply for institutional scholarships and grants.
UNCF scholarships can significantly lower your COA, reducing your reliance on student loans. Academic and departmental scholarships may be available as well. Be sure to confirm requirements and apply before deadlines, which can vary. You can also explore UNCF grants and loan forgiveness programs.
Why Should You Consider Attending an HBCU Online?
- Diversity: HBCUs encourage diversity of students from different cultural and ethnic backgrounds, offering a unique educational experience. Students from diverse backgrounds can build a community and sense of belonging, leading to better education outcomes. Additionally, HBCUs typically have a more diverse faculty who can be more connected to cultural communities.
- Sense of Purpose: HBCUs offer a strong, communal foundation, direction, and sense of belonging that can translate to greater success. As a result, students may find a closer community at HBCUs, both online and on campus. This can include community events, student services, and specific degree programs.
- Lower costs: The UNCF estimates that HBCU tuition is 30% lower than comparable institutions. With soaring student debt rates, these lower costs can make education at an HBCU more accessible.
Frequently Asked Questions About Online HBCU Programs
The answer depends on your learning style. HBCU online degree programs can provide a flexible, asynchronous education. However, you may learn better in a traditional classroom setting.
Whether you study on campus or online, it can be worth it to apply to an HBCU. HBCUs provide a unique learning experience celebrating African American history and culture. Networking opportunities and a supportive community can also promote your academic and career success.
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There are many facets to advising and supporting college students. Learn from an expert how they approach advising HBCU students and set them up for success.

by Cobretti D. Williams, Ph.D.
Updated November 18, 2021