Online Psy.D. Degree Guide

Curious about earning a Psy.D. degree online? Find out what these advanced psychology programs have to offer you now and after graduation.
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Updated February 4, 2025
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Earning an online doctor of psychology (Psy.D.) degree can prepare you for careers in the rewarding, in-demand field of psychology.

It can also help address the shortage of mental health providers.

According to Mental Health America, nearly 1 in 4 adults in 2021-2022 experienced a mental health condition in the past year — but the U.S. only has one mental health provider for every 340 people.

Discover what this type of doctorate in psychology entails, how to get one, and where it can lead.

What Is a Doctor of Psychology?

A Psy.D. program focuses on the clinical practice of psychology, including the psychological assessment, intervention, and treatment of diverse populations.

These programs typically feature four years of advanced coursework in psychological therapies and therapeutic techniques, as well as a one-year clinical internship.

With a Psy.D., you can pursue many psychology careers, including several licensed psychologist roles. For clinical psychologist licensure, you’ll need an accredited Psy.D., which will qualify you for the Examination for Professional Practice in Psychology (EPPP) from the Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards (ASPPB).

While both Psy.D. and Ph.D. in psychology programs can lead to psychologist careers, the emphasis on clinical practice may make a Psy.D. the better choice if you want more hands-on training and experience.

Image of Juli Fraga

Expert Insight: Should You Get a Ph.D. or Psy.D.?

“Many (but not all) Psy.D. programs only require a clinical dissertation, which means you don’t need to do a research study for your dissertation. Thinking about your career goals after graduate school can help you decide if a Psy.D. or Ph.D. is better for you.”

Juli Fraga, Psy.D.

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Online Psy.D. Degree Courses and Concentrations

The types of courses you take in a Psy.D. program online can vary, but most curricula feature some combination of the following:

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    Developmental Psychology

    An examination of the factors that influence development throughout the lifespan and how these affect mental health and treatment approaches.

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    Psychological Assessment

    A study of the standardized tests and clinical tools used to evaluate cognitive, emotional, and behavioral functioning.

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    An exploration of the causes, symptoms, and treatments of mental health conditions and disorders.

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    Cognitive-Behavioral Therapies

    A study of the thought- and behavior-modifying principles and intervention strategies of behavioral-cognitive therapy.

In addition to coursework, most online Psy.D. programs feature lengthy internships to meet the clinical requirements for licensure.

These practical components usually require supervised in-person attendance, even for online students; however, many schools allow online learners to choose a site near them.

Many Psy.D. programs also offer specializations to help you develop expertise in an area like clinical or counseling psychology, forensic psychology, military psychology, or neuropsychology.

How to Get a Psy.D. Degree Online

To increase accessibility, many schools now offer online Psy.D. programs that adapt the traditional program curriculum and format into a more flexible delivery method. Here, we look at the typical length and application process for these programs.

How Long Does It Take to Get a Psy.D.?

Typical # of Credits

120-140 Credits

Typical Program Length

4-5 Years

A Psy.D. online program typically comprises 120-140 credits and takes 4-5 years of full-time study to complete. That said, there may be accelerated and part-time options available.

The Chicago School’s online Psy.D. in applied clinical psychology requires 66 credits and takes just three years to complete. National University’s hybrid Psy.D. in clinical psychology, by contrast, requires 180 quarter credits and takes 5-7 years to complete.

How to Apply for Psy.D. Online Programs

While admission requirements for an online Psy.D. program vary, here are some of the most common prerequisites and materials you may need to submit:

How Much Does an Online Psy.D. Degree Cost?

Cost of Online Psy.D., 2019-2020

Avg. Tuition & Fees


Avg. Net Price


According to the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), the average annual tuition and fees for Psy.D. online programs were around $11,000 in 2020. This cost is lower than the average annual public school graduate tuition rate during that same period, per NCES.

Nevertheless, tuition costs can vary widely and will depend on factors such as whether you’re an in-state or out-of-state student.

You can save money on your Psy.D. degree online by submitting the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and seeing what kinds of financial aid you qualify for, such as grants and institutional scholarships.

What Can You Do With a Psy.D.?

With a Psy.D., you can pursue many psychology-related positions. Explore your possible career paths and earning potential below.

Psy.D. Jobs

While many Psy.D. degree-holders pursue a career in clinical psychology, the degree can lead to many other psychology careers, including school, forensic, and industrial-organizational psychology roles.

The overall outlook for psychologists appears strong. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) projects 7% job growth for psychologists between 2023 and 2033, which is faster than the national average for all occupations.

This demand for psychologists is partly due to increasing mental health awareness and a need for more psychological services in our central support institutions.

How Much Money Can You Make With a Psy.D.?

Psy.D. graduates who go on to become clinical psychologists enjoy some of the highest psychologist salaries. According to the BLS, clinical and counseling psychologists earn a median salary of $96,100, as of May 2023.

Payscale data shows that clinical psychologist salaries steadily increase with experience, growing from an average of around $75,000 for newcomers to nearly $115,000 for those with more than 20 years of experience.

Clinical Psychologist Salary by Experience Level
Years of ExperienceY-Axis: Avg. Annual Salary
<1 Year$74,405
1-4 Years$88,822
5-9 Years$94,971
10-19 Years$104,299
20+ Years$113,471

What to Consider Before Choosing a Psy.D. Program Online

In addition to the many personal factors you should take into account when choosing a Psy.D. online program, take time to consider accreditation status, cost, and program length.


Accreditation verifies the educational quality of institutions and individual programs.

While institutional accreditation enables schools to provide federal financial aid to its students, programmatic accreditation is essential to making you eligible for state licensure for roles like psychologist.

Most states require prospective psychologists to have a doctorate from a program accredited by the American Psychological Association (APA).

Unfortunately, the APA does not currently accredit fully online Psy.D. programs. As a result, it’s best to prioritize Psy.D. programs with online classes and an in-person practicum.

“Without [APA] accreditation, it will be more challenging to apply for internships, which are necessary for graduation,” explains Juli Fraga, Psy.D., a psychologist with nearly two decades of experience. “Many job sites, including many hospitals and universities, also require you to attend an APA-accredited program in order to apply.”

You can confirm a Psy.D. program’s accreditation status by referring to APA’s directory of accredited programs.


Before choosing an online Psy.D. degree program, make sure you factor in all study-related costs, including tuition, fees, travel and transportation, and textbooks.

“Consider the financial cost,” recommends Fraga. “For example, a private school will cost more than a public school.”

You should also consider how scholarships, grants, and tuition reimbursement programs can help offset some of these costs.

Program Length

The length of an online Psy.D. degree affects the time it takes you to enter the workforce and how long you’ll need to accommodate a study schedule. In many cases, program length can also affect the cost of your education.

With that in mind, it may be tempting to choose the shortest Psy.D. program — but that can complicate things as well by making your studies more rigorous and your schedule less flexible.

Take time to compare program lengths and credit requirements.

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