How Much Does a Ph.D. Cost?

Jane Nam
Updated on February 19, 2025
Edited by
Fact-checked by Marley Rose
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In 2024, a Ph.D. cost around $50,000 per year on average. But many programs offer competitive packages that offset some or all of the cost.
Asian American male Ph.D. student sitting at a table in a cafe. He is typing a report on his laptop computer. There are several paper notes on the table that he is referencing.Credit: Image Credit: Pramote Polyamate / Moment / Getty Images

Data Summary

  • checkThe average total cost of a Ph.D. was $49,500 per year in 2024.[1]
  • checkIn 2023, the median number of years it took to earn a doctorate was 5.7 years.[2]
  • checkIt’s common for doctoral programs to offer funding, including tuition waivers, health insurance, and a stipend.
  • checkIn 2023, doctoral recipients graduated with a median debt of $35,000.Note Reference [2]
  • checkBlack Americans were the most likely to fund their doctorates using personal resources among all racial groups in 2023.Note Reference [2]
  • checkJust over one-fifth (21%) of doctoral recipients graduated with over $30,000 in debt in 2023.Note Reference [2]
  • checkIn 2023, about 62% of doctoral recipients graduated with zero debt.Note Reference [2]

According to the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), earning a Ph.D. cost an average of $49,500 per year, including tuition and living expenses, in 2020.Note Reference [1] Students typically take 4-8 years to finish a Ph.D. program, so a doctoral degree can cost anywhere from $198,000-$396,000 before grants and assistantships.

But you won’t necessarily end up paying that total cost yourself. Ph.D. students typically receive more financial support than master’s degree or other professional graduate degree students. Programs often offer tuition waivers and stipends in exchange for teaching or research.

In this report, we’ll explore the average cost of a Ph.D. program, common student debt amounts, and the amount students typically receive in funding for their doctoral programs.

Average Cost of a Ph.D.

  • According to 2020 data from NCES, the average cost of tuition for a Ph.D. program is $20,600 per year.Note Reference [1]
  • Non-tuition-related expenses, such as room and board, books, and supplies, amount to $20,300 on average.Note Reference [1]
  • Together, the total cost per year for a doctoral program equals $40,900, or $49,500 in 2024 dollars.Note Reference [1]

However, programs often offer packages that include a tuition waiver and living stipend in exchange for an assistantship. With an assistantship, graduate students may work part time teaching or researching.

Keep in mind that some schools charge higher tuition but offer more competitive stipends and benefits, while others have lower tuition rates and lower stipend amounts. Some programs offer full tuition waivers while others cover partial tuition. It is important to note the wide range of package types that are offered to incoming doctoral students.

Tuition and Stipend Minimums for Ph.D. Programs at the Largest Public Universities, 2024-2025
School NameAnnual TuitionStipend Minimum
Florida International UniversityResident: $8,200
Nonresident: $18,030
Texas A&M UniversityResident: $10,380
Nonresident: $23,140
University of Central FloridaResident: $6,664
Nonresident: $21,508
University of Texas at AustinResident: $8,928
Nonresident: $17,694
Source: Respective school websites
Tuition and Stipend Minimums for Ph.D. Programs at Ivy League Schools, 2024-2025
School NameAnnual TuitionStipend Minimum
Columbia University$55,180$48,080
Cornell University$20,800$33,930
Harvard University$55,660N/A
University of Pennsylvania$43,170$38,000
Yale University$49,500$49,540
Source: Respective school websites

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Ph.D. Costs Beyond Tuition

Tuition is just a fraction of the total cost of a Ph.D. program. For example, at Florida International University, out-of-state graduate students can expect to pay $39,060 per year before scholarships, grants, and tuition waivers.

Annual Cost of Florida International University Graduate Students, Non-Resident, 2024-2025
ExpenseCost (Per Semester)Cost (Per Year)
Direction Loan Origination Fee$154$308
Books & Supplies$500$1,000
Total Annual Cost$19,528$39,056
Source: Florida International University[3]

Costs can also vary between programs and even between departments at the same school. For example, Cornell University’s humanities and social science departments offered a stipend of $33,930 per year to Ph.D. students in 2025 while its technology department offered a stipend of $42,073 (in part due to the Cornell Tech campus being located in New York City).[4] Business Ph.D. students at Cornell received an even higher stipend of $46,860.[5]

Some schools increase stipend amounts with each year a student spends in the program, while others reduce the tuition amount each year.

Paying for a Ph.D.

Ph.D. programs may also offer graduate fellowships or scholarships, which may cover all or some of the program’s costs and may include some work responsibilities.

More Black Americans fund their doctorates with personal resources than other races.

  • Nearly 41% of Black American doctorate recipients say their primary source of financial support was “own resources” compared to 19% of white recipients and 13% of Asian students.Note Reference [2]
  • A high percentage of American Indian and Alaska Native students (33%) also said the same.Note Reference [2]

Female students, too, are more likely to report paying for their Ph.D. with personal resources than men (19% vs. 11%). They are less likely than men to use research assistantships or traineeships as the primary source of funding for their program (30% vs. 41%).

Primary Source of Financial Support Reported by Doctoral Recipients, 2023
 TotalMale StudentsFemale Students
Teaching assistantships21.2%22%20.2%
Research assistantships or traineeships35.6%40.5%30.1%
Fellowships, scholarships, or dissertation grants24.6%22.7%26.6%
Own resources14.7%10.8%19.1%
Employer or other sources4%4%4%
Source: National Center for Science and Engineering StatisticsNote Reference [2]

Ph.D. Student Loan Debt

Student loan and debt amounts for Ph.D. students differ widely between fields. Math and computer science doctoral students, for example, graduated with $15,000 in debt on average in 2023, while education students graduated with $55,000 in debt.Note Reference [2]

Doctoral Recipients’ Median Debt Amount by Field of Study, 2023
Field of StudyMedian Total Graduate Debt Amount
All Fields$35,000
Computer and Information Sciences$15,000
Math and Statistics$15,000
Physical Sciences$15,000
Biological and Biomedical Sciences$25,000
Geosciences, Atmospheric, and Ocean Sciences$25,000
Social Sciences$35,000
Visual and Performing Arts$35,000
Humanities and Arts$45,000
Health Sciences$55,000
Source: National Center for Science and Engineering StatisticsNote Reference [2]

Overall, roughly one-fifth of doctoral recipients (21%) graduated with over $30,000 in debt. However, percentages vary by field.Note Reference [2]

Broken down by race and ethnicity, Black or African American doctoral recipients graduated with the highest percentage of debt over $30,000, and Asian doctoral recipients graduated with the least.Note Reference [2]

  • Over three-fifths of Black or African American doctoral recipients (63%) received their degrees with over $30,000 in debt.Note Reference [2]
  • 35% of Hispanic and Latino/a students graduated with debt over $30,000.Note Reference [2]
  • Black and African American doctorate recipients had a median debt amount of $95,000, nearly triple the overall median of $35,000.Note Reference [2]
  • Asian students graduated with the lowest median debt amount of $25,000.Note Reference [2]
  • Around 28% of white students graduated with more than $30,000 in debt.Note Reference [2]

Cost of Professional Doctorates

This article focuses on research doctorates, however, professional doctorates such as doctor of medicine (MD), juris doctor (JD), and doctor of physical therapy (DPT) degrees can also be costly. These doctorates prepare students for specific professional practice and often come with higher price tags.

  • According to 2020 data from NCES, the average cost of a professional doctorate was $55,020 per year for public institutions and $71,880 for private.[6]
  • The average price of tuition and fees was $30,890 at public schools and $43,070 at private.Note Reference [6]
  • Non-tuition expenses, such as housing and textbooks, came out to $24,140 per year at public institutions and $28,810 at private schools on average.Note Reference [6]

In 2024 dollars, the average cost of a professional doctorate comes out to $66,650 per year at public institutions and $87,070 at private ones.Note Reference [6]