Best Online Colleges in Arizona

Arizona is home to many top-tier colleges and universities, making it a great destination for students seeking a quality education.
Kathleen Curtis
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Updated May 1, 2024
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The Grand Canyon State offers a great place to study, whether you’re working on your first degree or seeking a respected Ph.D. program.

Whether you choose to attend one of the many beautiful campuses in person or you’re looking for an online option, Arizona universities offer quality educational options.

We’ll walk you through some of the best online colleges in Arizona, the state’s average tuition rates, and fast-growing jobs.

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Best Online Colleges in Arizona

We use trusted sources like Peterson's Data and the National Center for Education Statistics to inform the data for these schools.
from our partners appear among these rankings and are indicated as such.

How We Rank Schools

To create this ranking, BestColleges sourced the most recent data available from the National Center for Education Statistics and the U.S. Department of Education College Scorecard. We then ranked each school according to the top variables college students selected in our College Choice and Admissions Survey. To learn more, check out our full rankings methodology or read the summary below.

To qualify for our rankings lists, each school must be an accredited public or private, nonprofit institution. Each eligible school was then ranked based on a formula measuring:

BestColleges Top-Ranked-2024 Badge
  • Affordability (30%)
  • Student outcomes (30%)
  • Reputation (20%)
  • Diversity and social mobility (20%)

In addition, we only included colleges with graduation rates in the top third of all online colleges.


University of Arizona

Tucson, AZ4 yearCampus + Online


Avg. Undergrad Tuition, In-State


Avg. Undergrad Tuition, Out-of-state


Acceptance Rate


Online Enrollment
Avg. Grad Tuition, In-State


Avg. Grad Tuition, Out-of-state


Retention Rate


Students Enrolled


Institution Type




Avg. Undergrad Tuition, In-State


Avg. Undergrad Tuition, Out-of-state


Tucson, AZ4 yearCampus + Online

Avg. Undergrad Tuition, In-State


Avg. Undergrad Tuition, Out-of-state


Acceptance Rate


Online Enrollment


Avg. Grad Tuition, In-State


Avg. Grad Tuition, Out-of-state


Retention Rate


Students Enrolled


Institution Type






Avg. Undergrad Tuition, In-State


Avg. Undergrad Tuition, Out-of-state


Acceptance Rate


Online Enrollment
Avg. Grad Tuition, In-State


Avg. Grad Tuition, Out-of-state


Retention Rate


Students Enrolled


Institution Type




Avg. Undergrad Tuition, In-State


Avg. Undergrad Tuition, Out-of-state


Avg. Undergrad Tuition, In-State


Avg. Undergrad Tuition, Out-of-state


Acceptance Rate


Online Enrollment


Avg. Grad Tuition, In-State


Avg. Grad Tuition, Out-of-state


Retention Rate


Students Enrolled


Institution Type





Northern Arizona University

Flagstaff, AZ4 yearCampus + Online


Avg. Undergrad Tuition, In-State


Avg. Undergrad Tuition, Out-of-state


Acceptance Rate


Online Enrollment
Avg. Grad Tuition, In-State


Avg. Grad Tuition, Out-of-state


Retention Rate


Students Enrolled


Institution Type




Avg. Undergrad Tuition, In-State


Avg. Undergrad Tuition, Out-of-state


Flagstaff, AZ4 yearCampus + Online

Avg. Undergrad Tuition, In-State


Avg. Undergrad Tuition, Out-of-state


Acceptance Rate


Online Enrollment


Avg. Grad Tuition, In-State


Avg. Grad Tuition, Out-of-state


Retention Rate


Students Enrolled


Institution Type





Ottawa University-Surprise

Surprise, AZ4 yearCampus + Online


Avg. Undergrad Tuition, In-State


Avg. Undergrad Tuition, Out-of-state


Acceptance Rate


Online Enrollment
Avg. Grad Tuition, In-State


Avg. Grad Tuition, Out-of-state


Retention Rate


Students Enrolled


Institution Type




Avg. Undergrad Tuition, In-State


Avg. Undergrad Tuition, Out-of-state


Surprise, AZ4 yearCampus + Online

Avg. Undergrad Tuition, In-State


Avg. Undergrad Tuition, Out-of-state


Acceptance Rate


Online Enrollment


Avg. Grad Tuition, In-State


Avg. Grad Tuition, Out-of-state


Retention Rate


Students Enrolled


Institution Type




Cost of College in Arizona

The cost of attending college in Arizona can vary dramatically based on whether you attend a public or private institution, as well as whether you pay in-state or out-of-state tuition at a public college.

For in-state students, the average tuition cost in Arizona at public universities was $11,452 in 2022. That’s slightly higher than the national average of $9,596.

Meanwhile, the cost of a private four-year education in Arizona ($13,272) is substantially less than the national average ($34,041).

Cost of College in Arizona in 2021-2022
Institution TypeAverage Tuition & Required Fees
Public Four-Year (In-State)$11,452
Public Four-Year (Out-of-State)$26,025
Private Four-Year$13,272
Public Two-Year (In-State)$2,182
Public Two-Year (Out-of-State)$7,333
Source: NCES

10 Fast-Growing Jobs in Arizona

Many jobs in Arizona are anticipated to grow over the next ten years, creating opportunities to use your degree in an in-demand field. Many of the fastest-growing jobs in the state center around the healthcare industry, with nurse practitioners projected to grow an incredible 71%.

Other careers on pace for growth include those based in technology. Jobs for data scientists are projected to nearly double in the coming years.

Many of these jobs also offer six-figure salaries. Some may require advanced degrees, so review educational requirements before choosing your path.

10 Fast-Growing Jobs in Arizona
JobJob Growth 2022-2032Average Annual Wage 2022
Nurse Practitioners71%$121,410
Physician Assistants51%$122,420
Medical and Health Services Managers50%$121,000
Data Scientists48%$104,220
Physical Therapist Assistants48%$62,880
Occupational Therapy Assistants46%$60,130
Mathematical Science Occupations42%$99,590
Solar Photovoltaic Installers41%$47,880
Home Health and Personal Care Aides40%$31,260
Source: Arizona Office of Economic Opportunity

Frequently Asked Questions About Online Colleges in Arizona

Arizona State University SkySong offers the most affordable online education in the state, which is under $9,000 a year for in-state students. Other campuses in the ASU system, such as Tempe, also have relatively low tuition rates for their online programs.

If you’re looking for the most affordable educational option in Arizona, you may want to consider earning an associate degree. Public two-year institutions cost approximately $2,182 per year for in-state learners. In general, public colleges cost less than private institutions, especially for residents of Arizona.

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