Physical, Mental, and Sexual Health

Vanesha McGeeGiselle M. Cancio
Updated on February 25, 2025
Reviewed by
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Why It’s Important

Note: If you or someone you know is considering suicide, please contact the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline (dial 988), available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. All calls are confidential, and anyone can use this service.

The incidence of mental health conditions among college students continue to increase,1 highlighting an ongoing need for understanding and empathy. According to the Mayo Clinic,2 44% of college students reported symptoms of depression during the 2021-2022 academic year. Half of the U.S. population3 is likely to experience a mental health condition that requires the support of others.

Additionally, 1 in 6 American women has been the victim of rape or an attempted rape, according to RAINN.4 On college campuses, there are two sexual assaults for every robbery, and college-age victims often do not report their experiences to law enforcement.

Language around health and wellness must be inclusive of all people’s backgrounds and experiences. Sexual, mental, and physical health include complex and diverse topics. Our communications about health and wellness should take a stigma-free, nonjudgmental approach.

Mental Health

Historically, there has been stigma surrounding discussions about mental health. Speaking with compassion and understanding honors people’s diverse mental health journeys and opens avenues for support and intervention.
Avoid SayingConsider Replacing WithWhy This Matters
mental illness, mental health issuemental health conditionNot all mental health conditions are illnesses or diseases. Using these words can misrepresent an individual and/or cause shame and stigma.
they’re struggling with a mental health conditionthey have a mental health conditionUse “have” rather than “struggling with” to speak neutrally about a person’s mental health. However, do not correct how someone uses these phrases to refer to themself or their own experiences.
unsuccessful suicide attemptnonfatal suicide attemptA nonfatal suicide attempt is not a failure. Be careful not to use judgmental language (“unsuccessful”) when discussing such a sensitive topic.
Avoid Saying
mental illness, mental health issue
they’re struggling with a mental health condition
unsuccessful suicide attempt
Consider Replacing With
mental health condition
they have a mental health condition
nonfatal suicide attempt
Why This Matters
Not all mental health conditions are illnesses or diseases. Using these words can misrepresent an individual and/or cause shame and stigma.
Use “have” rather than “struggling with” to speak neutrally about a person’s mental health. However, do not correct how someone uses these phrases to refer to themself or their own experiences.
A nonfatal suicide attempt is not a failure. Be careful not to use judgmental language (“unsuccessful”) when discussing such a sensitive topic.


Avoid language that associates suicide or suicidal thoughts with crime, sin, blame, or moral obligation.
Avoid SayingConsider Replacing WithWhy This Matters
committed suicide, killed themselfdied by suicide, took their own life, ended their own lifeThe word “commit” implies a criminal act and casts blame on the person.
they are suicidalthey are experiencing suicidal thoughtsThe preferred phrase represents a temporary state rather than describing a person in an absolute way.
unsuccessful suicide attemptnonfatal suicide attemptA nonfatal suicide attempt is not a failure. Be careful not to use judgmental language (“unsuccessful”) when discussing such a sensitive topic.
Avoid Saying
committed suicide, killed themself
they are suicidal
unsuccessful suicide attempt
Consider Replacing With
died by suicide, took their own life, ended their own life
they are experiencing suicidal thoughts
nonfatal suicide attempt
Why This Matters
The word “commit” implies a criminal act and casts blame on the person.
The preferred phrase represents a temporary state rather than describing a person in an absolute way.
A nonfatal suicide attempt is not a failure. Be careful not to use judgmental language (“unsuccessful”) when discussing such a sensitive topic.

Eating Disorders

Individuals of all genders, backgrounds, sizes, and identities experience eating disorders. Assumptions and stereotypes about eating disorders and those affected promote stigma and limit people’s access to treatment. Avoid descriptions that quantify an individual’s weight, clothing size, food intake, activity level, or changes in body measurements.

Substance Use

When discussing substance use, disorders, or addiction, use nonjudgmental language that does not assign personal blame.
Don’t UseDo Use
substance abuse, drug abusesubstance use, harmful use of a substance
junkie, user, drug addict, drug abuserperson with substance use disorder, person who uses drugs or substances
Don’t Use
substance abuse, drug abuse
junkie, user, drug addict, drug abuser
Do Use
substance use, harmful use of a substance
person with substance use disorder, person who uses drugs or substances

Safer Sex Terminology

Avoid connecting a person’s sexual activity with their moral character. This harmful connection leads to stigma and enforces the negative belief that an activity or person can be wrong, abnormal, or amoral. Discuss sexual health in neutral or affirming terms to provide nonjudgmental information.
Avoid SayingConsider Replacing WithWhy This Matters
safe sexsafer sex“Safer sex” challenges the idea that there is “safe” and “unsafe” sex. This term encompasses a spectrum of safer sex practices like disinfecting sex toys and testing for sexually transmitted infections.
infectedcontracted, transmitted, acquiredBecause of the negative connotations and blame associated with the term “infected,” use other phrases.
clean/dirtytested negative/positive for [a specific disease or condition]Connecting a disease status or test result to concepts of cleanliness and dirtiness contributes to harmful stigmas and misconceptions about sexually transmitted infections.
promiscuoushas multiple sex partnersA person with multiple sex partners is not necessarily taking risks or being “promiscuous.” Avoid using this term.
Avoid Saying
safe sex
Consider Replacing With
safer sex
contracted, transmitted, acquired
tested negative/positive for [a specific disease or condition]
has multiple sex partners
Why This Matters
“Safer sex” challenges the idea that there is “safe” and “unsafe” sex. This term encompasses a spectrum of safer sex practices like disinfecting sex toys and testing for sexually transmitted infections.
Because of the negative connotations and blame associated with the term “infected,” use other phrases.
Connecting a disease status or test result to concepts of cleanliness and dirtiness contributes to harmful stigmas and misconceptions about sexually transmitted infections.
A person with multiple sex partners is not necessarily taking risks or being “promiscuous.” Avoid using this term.


Pads, tampons, and menstrual cups are used by all genders. When discussing menstruation, use phrases such as “people who menstruate,” rather than just “women,” though it may be appropriate to use both. Avoid unnecessarily gendered phrases like “feminine hygiene products.” Instead, use “menstrual products.”

Reproductive Rights

Use gender-inclusive language when discussing reproductive rights. Transgender, nonbinary, gender fluid, and gender-nonconforming individuals all experience reproductive injustice alongside cisgender women.

Sexual Violence

When writing about sexual abuse, it’s important to mention resources — such as hotlines, warning signs, and support groups — that could help readers get help or gather more information. The following is an example of this:

Help is available. The National Sexual Assault Hotline is available 24 hours a day at 1-800-656-4673. If you or someone you know has experienced sexual assault, please seek legal counsel. If you are experiencing a life-threatening situation, seek help or dial 911.

There are precise legal differences between terms like sexual assault, rape, harassment, and sexual abuse, so use specific and careful language when referencing this subject.5 See the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission6 and the American Psychological Association7 for legal definitions of these terms.

Avoid Saying (in the context of sexual violence)Consider Replacing WithWhy This Matters
sex scandalsexual violence, sexual assault, sexual abuse, rapeThe phrase “sex scandal” diminishes and sensationalizes the crime.
sex or intercourserape, unwanted sexual penetration, sexual violence, sexual assaultUsing the right term lets the public understand the act was one of violence rather than mutual consent.
perform oral sexforced oral and genital contactDescribe the act accurately instead of using a word that portrays the victim as a primary actor.
fondlegrope, unwanted touchingUse language that signifies that the act was unwanted.
engaged inwas forced toAvoid language that implies that the victim consented to the act.
victim admits, victim confessesvictim reports, victim saysUse neutral and objective language to describe the report.
accuseralleged victim, survivor (if perpetrator has been convicted)Use the word “alleged” when necessary prior to conviction.
accusedalleged perpetrator, perpetrator (if perpetrator has been convicted)Use the word “alleged” when necessary prior to conviction.
Avoid Saying (in the context of sexual violence)
sex scandal
sex or intercourse
perform oral sex
engaged in
victim admits, victim confesses
Consider Replacing With
sexual violence, sexual assault, sexual abuse, rape
rape, unwanted sexual penetration, sexual violence, sexual assault
forced oral and genital contact
grope, unwanted touching
was forced to
victim reports, victim says
alleged victim, survivor (if perpetrator has been convicted)
alleged perpetrator, perpetrator (if perpetrator has been convicted)
Why This Matters
The phrase “sex scandal” diminishes and sensationalizes the crime.
Using the right term lets the public understand the act was one of violence rather than mutual consent.
Describe the act accurately instead of using a word that portrays the victim as a primary actor.
Use language that signifies that the act was unwanted.
Avoid language that implies that the victim consented to the act.
Use neutral and objective language to describe the report.
Use the word “alleged” when necessary prior to conviction.
Use the word “alleged” when necessary prior to conviction.

Victim vs. Survivor

The term victim is typically used when referring to a person who has recently experienced sexual violence or when discussing a crime. Survivor is often used to refer to a person who is going through the recovery process when discussing the effects of sexual violence. Sometimes, writers may find it appropriate to alternate between the two terms. Both terms are acceptable, but it’s best to be respectful and ask for the individual’s preference.

Impact of Sexual Violence Across Genders

People of all gender identities can experience sexual violence.8 The rates are disproportionately high for people who are trans and nonbinary compared to those who are cisgender, but studies frequently only have identifier options for women and men. People who do not fit into one of these gender categories are either misidentified or removed from the data collection.

When citing any data source, be mindful of the data’s limitations and indicate if any groups were excluded from the data collection.

For more advice related to gender, see the Gender and Sexuality section of our Conscious Language Guide.

Trigger and Content Warnings Explained

While trigger and content warnings are not often part of people’s everyday verbal conversations, they pop up in written communications and other forms of media regularly. The purpose of these warnings is to let readers, viewers, and/or listeners know that upcoming topics cover certain information that may be challenging or literally triggering. This gives people a chance to decide what content they want to consume, in case they wish to avoid activating or “triggering” any negative effects of past or ongoing trauma. Trigger and content warnings can flag topics that include, but are not limited to, sexual violence, substance use, suicide, and eating disorders.
Angelique Geehan
Reviewed by
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  1. Flannery, M. E. (2023, March 29). The mental health crisis on college campuses. National Education Association.
  2. Bowe, K. (2023, August 22). College students and depression: A guide for parents. Mayo Clinic Health System.
  3. Active Minds. (Retrieved on 2023, October 26). Statistics.
  4. RAINN. (Retrieved on 2023, October 26). Scope of the problem: Statistics.
  5. Maine Coalition Against Sexual Assault. (2019). Reporting on sexual violence: A media guide for Maine journalists.
  6. U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. (Retrieved on 2023, October 26). Harassment.
  7. American Psychological Association. (Retrieved on 2023, October 26). Psychology topics.
  8. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2022, June 22). Fast facts: Preventing sexual violence.